Tightened security, excitement, protests as Obama arrives on MSU campus

Keeping up with the buzz from outside as President Barack Obama comes to the campus of Michigan State University to sign the farm bill. Supporters and detractors of the President showed up in full force, while other folks braved the bitter cold temperatures to simply get a glimpse of the Commander-in-chief’s motorcade. Much of the focus was on the Farm Bill 2014, yet the President’s arrival also stirred up discussion of the Affordable Health Care Act, budget deficit, and unemployment.

Focal Point Spring 2014 [Show 1]

President Barack Obama traveled to Michigan State University to sign the Agriculture Act of 2014. A shooting just of of MSU’s campus has some worried for their safety. And, many people are getting last minute flu shots due to the recent outbreak going around Mid-Michigan. Focal Point is an Emmy awarding winning, student produced newscast from the School of Journalism at Michigan State University.

Gun Control Back on National, Local Stage

The future of gun control in America is currently a blurry picture. Proponents of new legislation are pushing for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban, as well as a ban on high capacity ammunition magazines. There is also a push for universal background checks. Meanwhile, gun rights advocates are pushing back and insisting that no new gun legislation will stop criminals from committing crimes. The only thing both sides can seem to agree on is the need for further mental health studies for a potential gun purchaser.

58,000 Michigan voters skipped presidential line

Capital News Service
LANSING — More than 58,000 Michigan voters didn’t mark their ballots for any presidential candidate Nov. 6, according to unofficial data from the Secretary of State. That’s twice as many as those who participated in the 2008 election but skipped voting for president. “There will always be those people who are hard to please or cannot make up their mind,” said Bill Ballenger, publisher of the newsletter Inside Michigan Politics. “Some people may have been disappointed in Obama but uninterested in Romney.”

Barack Obama received 2,560,015 votes in the state this year, about 300,000 fewer than in 2008.

Winning the future

By Danielle Turcotte
Meridian Times staff writer
“From the earliest days of our founding, America has been the story of ordinary people who dare to dream. That’s how we win the future.”

In the annual State of the Union address delivered on Tuesday evening, President Obama discusses the importance of Republicans and Democrats coming together and how the people of America must “out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.”

The key theme in his speech was how important it is that today’s youth gets an education. “In a single generation, revolutions in technology have transformed the way we live, work and do business. Steel mills that once needed a thousand workers can now do the same work with a hundred. Today, just about any company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there’s an Internet connection,” he told Congress.