So you want to make a show?

Whitney Burney and Micaela Colonna anchor the news desk in the Spartan Newsroom on election night, Nov. 8, 2016.

Tony Cepak / Michigan State University College of Communication Arts & Sciences

Whitney Burney and Micaela Colonna anchor the news desk in the Spartan Newsroom on election night, Nov. 8, 2016.

That is awesome!

 The Spartan Newsroom studio is available for Michigan State University student use when not being used for classes. (You may even be able to use the studio while classes run in other areas of the room.)

Here are the things you will need to be able to use the space to produce a show:

  1. A crew (5 minimum, you can double up on jobs):
    • Talent
    • Director
    • Producer
    • Audio
    • Prompter operator
    • Floor director
    • Editor
  2. A script
    • You will need a script for each show
    • The show rundown needs to be set up in Inception (our show/prompter software)
  3. A scheduled time. Weekly? Monthly? The newsroom broadcast desk needs to be scheduled in advance. You need to dedicate your team to those days. If you can’t, your show will be canceled and the space will no longer be available to your show.
  4. A faculty mentor. Any faculty member can be your mentor. He or she will need to help you on show days.
    • Please meet with your faculty mentor to get your show together. You will need to prepare each show before you can come in to record it.
  5. Graphics. You will need a show title. Make a file 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall with your show logo.

See professor Troy Hale for more information or contact him at