Watch: Election Day headlines

Voters on campus and across Michigan are headed to the polls today to elect a new governor, attorney general and secretary of state, among other offices. Michigan voters also will cast a ballot for three ballot issues.

Brody Hall was the voting precinct for many Michigan State University students, some of whom cast their votes for the first time today.

First-time voters cast their ballots in midterm races

At 10 a.m, the lines to vote at Brody Hall were filled with first-time voters looking to make their voices heard. Muskegon native Nicole Bernard said she was excited to be able to vote for the first time. “I want to share my voice and be heard,” said Bernard, who had just finished casting her vote. One of the reasons she said she voted was to vote yes on Proposal 1, which would legalize recreational marijuana. Voters will decide three statewide ballot proposals in Michigan, including the marijuana proposal and proposals that would change how Michigan draws legislative and congressional districts and to change some election rules.