Jeremy’s sample story

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Advertising key campaign expense even in county level races

Political candidates spend thousands ofdollars on advertising to secure a spot in office, And the heavy spending is not confined to the bigfederal and state races. Even candidates for county treasurer invest heavily in signs, flyers, social media and other advertising.  County finance records from Jan. 1, 2018 to the post primaryfiling deadline of Sept. 23, 2020 show that the median spending on advertisingwas just over $8,000 by county treasurer candidates in eight of Michigan’s 10most populous counties. By Ri’an Jackson and Chloe Alverson.

Money significant but hard to track in county campaigns

It is challenging to track the donations and expenditures Michigan requires candidates to report and that can include a lot of money even at the county level. A study of three county level races encompassing 56 Michigan counties discovered that between Jan. 1, 2018 and Sept. 23, 2020 candidates for sheriff raised more than $1.25 million to fund their races. Candidates for treasurer raised nearly $600,000 during the same period. Even candidates for drain commissioner raised nearly a half-million dollars. Michigan State University students who did the study found challenges in getting and analyzing the data from a reporting system critics say is in need of reform. By Brandon Chew and Taylor Haelterman

Rob Blackshaw, director of operations for the Michigan State Capitol Commission, walks through the Capitol’s former basement boiler room, which now contains equipment for the building’s new geothermal heating and cooling system.

Cutting-edge heating and cooling technology, 21st century style, returns to state Capitol

An obscure door tucked beneath one of the massive stone staircases outside of Michigan’s state capitol reveals yet another steep stairwell leading to a coal-fired boiler room. It was once the center of one of the most sophisticated heating and cooling system of the 19th century. Today, the same room is poised to gather heat from 272 wells sunk 500 feet below the Capitol grounds as part of a complex multi-million dollar utility upgrade. By David Poulson. FOR LANSING CITY PULSE AND ALL POINTS

CNS Summer 2020 Michigan Environmental Package #4

To: CNS Editors

From: Dave Poulson & Eric Freedman

For problems or questions, contact Dave Poulson at (517) 899 1640; or Eric Freedman at (517) 355-4729 or (517) 256-3873; EDITORS: This is our 4th summer package of Michigan-focused environmental stories in collaboration with our partner, Great Lakes Echo. 1st REGULAR FILE AHEAD: Our new cadre of correspondents is here, and we plan to send our 1st weekly file of the fall semester on Friday, Sept. 11. HERE’S YOUR FILE:

CHIRPING CRICKETS: The steady sound of crickets chirping in the evening is a staple of a Midwest summer.

Toxic blooms still threaten Lake Erie

Toxic algae blooming in Lake Erie is creating safety concerns for humans and aquatic life, prompting the state to work with farmers to reduce the phosphorus levels in field runoff. For news and agriculture sections. Experts at NOAA, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.

Fish farmers find new applications for old dairy equipment

It’s unlikely most people get excited when they see a vacant manure pit, but converted storage lagoons on former dairy farms can be money-making ventures for aquaculture operations. We hear from a Michigan Sea Grant expert in the Western UP and from Wisconsin farmers.