The gender pay gap: a real issue improving slowly

To earn as much as men in comparable jobs make in a year, women have to work that full year — and then until March 31 of the next. That is what the National Committee on Pay Equity calls Equal Pay Day. The gender pay gap continues to widen, especially for women of color. Carole Leigh Hutton, vice president of business development and marketing at Inforum, strives to create equal opportunities for all women in leadership. 

“Providing equal opportunities across all genders is a solution to the problem,” Hutton said. “If we look at racial/ethnic lines among the gender pay gap, it is worse for African American women and even worse for Hispanic women compared to white women.

Line of students inside hallway

Biden wins Michigan primary; state’s new voting laws get test

Former Vice President Joe Biden was projected to win today’s Michigan Democratic primary as the state tried out its new voting rules. Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose campaign got a lift in the 2016 Michigan primary, found 2020 to be deflating.

East Lansing, including MSU students who were registered on campus, also faced questions about renewing property taxes that support the Capital Area Transportation Authority, Ingham County parks and trails, Potter Park Zoo, special education services and county health care services.

All precincts voted at Sawden School Administration Building. Voters voted for the next mayor and three vacant seats on the city council.

2020 elections will allow same-day registration

Michigan residents are preparing to cast their votes in the March 10 presidential primary, the first big test of Proposal 3, in which voters can register up until Election Day.

East Lansing Chief Deputy City Clerk Brian Jackson has different ways for students and citizens to register.