LNG-powered Great Lakes freighters could cut greenhouse emissions

Capital News Service
LANSING — Great Lakes shipping has the potential to go green. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) could replace oil as the fuel of choice for the freshwater ships, according to a recent study published by the Transportation Research Board. But conversion costs, declining fuel prices and processing capacity are barriers. To examine the feasibility of conversion, researchers studied the S.S. Badger, a coal-burning ferry that runs across Lake Michigan between Ludington and Manitowoc, Wisconsin. “It was a good platform for us to take a look at and model,” said Carol Wolosz, an author of the study and the executive director of the Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute.

CART Single Stream Recycling

The city of Lansing has adopted single-stream recycling to make collecting more efficient. Using old trash compactor trucks, residents are able to recycle many new things, without having to sort it. Despite efforts to raise awareness of the new program, there are many residents who don’t know about the changes and that it’s easier for them to recycle now than ever before. Steve Chalker, Recycling Coordinator, said that they are able to collect twice the amount of recyclables with this new system than they did before–that means less trash and a better environment. He also said that the efficiency comes at no extra cost to residents.