Old bikes get recycled into burgeoning rental programs

Capital News Service
LANSING — As the number of abandoned bikes grows on college campuses, bike rental programs flourish. In New York, abandoned bikes are recycled or trashed. In Denver, they are auctioned and the proceeds go to the city’s general fund. Elsewhere they are donated to charities. In Michigan, some colleges are recycling them into bike rental programs.
The University of Michigan and Western Michigan University have programs stocked with brand new bikes.

MSU Bike Share

As bike clutter worsens around campus, ASMSU says they have a fix. “The idea is: create a bike sharing community,” said ASMSU VP for Finance and Operations, Mike Mozina. With nearly 50,000 students enrolled at MSU, bike racks are overflowing. ASMSU wants to implement a program where students could pay for shared bikes when they need to get around campus. Students could either rent bikes at $1 per hour or buy a year-long membership for $50.