Gun Control Back on National, Local Stage

The future of gun control in America is currently a blurry picture. Proponents of new legislation are pushing for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban, as well as a ban on high capacity ammunition magazines. There is also a push for universal background checks. Meanwhile, gun rights advocates are pushing back and insisting that no new gun legislation will stop criminals from committing crimes. The only thing both sides can seem to agree on is the need for further mental health studies for a potential gun purchaser.

Bill would allow guns to work regardless of employer’s wishes

Capital News Service
LANSING- Business owners could lose their right to restrict the possession of firearms on their private workplace property. A recent house bill would make it legal to conceal a gun in your car at work, no matter what your boss says. Such issues are typically the focus of gun rights and gun control groups, but this one has caught the attention of employers. “On the face of it, it seems like a second amendment issue, a guns rights issue, but when you really get down to it, it is a bill that would take away employers rights,” said Delaney Newberry, director of human resource policy at the Michigan Manufacturers Association. Michigan allows employers to enforce their own policies regarding the possession of firearms at the workplace.