Nike Gives Gifts in Exchange for Exercise

Nike celebrated the Spartans’ 3rd place standing in its March Madness Fuel Points Competition Friday night at the Breslin Center. The competition kept track of students’ activity through various Nike Fuel equipment.  The students would then upload their activity to Nike’s website to gain Fuel Points for their own schools. Nike sent two trainers and a box full of goodies to East Lansing for their efforts.  The trainers led a 40 minute workout session.

Burning trash powers cities, fuels debate

Capital News Service
LANSING—While some don’t consider burning trash as green, Michigan is exploring waste-to-fuel plants as an alternative energy source. The Senate Committee on Natural Resources recently heard testimony concerning waste-to-fuel facilities to determine if more of these plants could benefit Michigan, but some environmental advocates are not sure building these facilities is the best path to take. The committee heard testimony supporting waste-to-fuel from Ellie Booth, director of state and government relations for Covanta Energy Corporation, the largest owner and operator of waste-to-fuel facilities in the United States, Europe and China. Landfill space is finite and trash disposal is always an issue, Booth said. Booth’s company operates only one such plant in Michigan, the Covanta Kent Inc. waste-to-fuel facility, which is owned by Kent County and operated by Covanta.