MI Right to Vote, one of the many ballot proposals in November
The MI Right to Vote initiative may appear on the ballot in Michigan as an initiated Constitutional Amendment on November 8, 2022. The ballot initiative would establish these voting provisions in the state’s Declaration of Rights: a right to drop off an absentee ballot at a drop box 40 days prior to an election, a right to obtain an unsolicited absentee ballot application and a right to vote in person with a photo ID, signed affidavit, or matching voter registration signatures. The initiative needs 425,059 signatures by July 11, 2022 to appear on the ballot.
Delorian Warren explains why he is collecting signatures for his ballot proposal, the Right to Vote Initiative. Fred Green, the co-founder of MI Right to Vote, said, “Our petitions have passed the regulatory hurdles; they have received the approval as to form and of the summaries by the Board of State Canvassers. You will see our circulors out and about, chasing signatures so we can get on the 2022 ballot. We are making presentations to every group that will have us.”
Green said he attributes the proposal’s success to the determination of its creators.