CNS budget, Oct. 27, 2023

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Oct. 27, 2023

To: CNS Editors

From: Eric Freedman and Judy Putnam

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HOMELESSNESS: The number of homeless residents in the state has dropped in the past 15 years, but roughly 8,000 are without homes on any given night. Advocates met recently in Bellaire to discuss the crisis. Includes references to Lenawee, Kent and Macomb counties. Detroit and the three-county Traverse City area. We talk to a statewide organization and the Department of Health & Human Services. FOR BLISSFIELD, ADRIAN, DETROIT, LANSING CITY PULSE, TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU AND ALL POINTS. 

HOUSING BIAS: Though the 55-year-old Fair Housing Act prohibits bias in housing based on race and other factors, some areas still suffer from discrimination, according to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. The state will make a renewed effort to fight the discrimination. The head of the Civil Rights Department and an official from the Michigan Association of Counties discuss. By Stephanie Rauhe. FOR DETROIT, WKTV, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS AND ALL POINTS.

w/HOUSING BIAS PHOTO: Department of Civil Rights Executive Director John Johnson Jr.

HOUSING & TRANSPORTATION: A Citizens Research Council says about half of the average Michigan household income goes to transportation and housing, a figure that some experts say could be reduced with better public transit services. There’s a tradeoff between affordable housing and affordable transportation. How do local government plan for car dependency and how are neighborhoods affected by quality transportation options.We hear about a Bay Area Transportation Authority effort and talk to experts from Wayne State, the Michigan Municipal League and Michigan State Housing Development Authority. With references to Metro Detroit suburbs, Includes references to Traverse City, Lansing, Ann Arbor and East Lansing By Liz Nass. FOR DETROIT, LANSING CITY PULSE, CORP! PLANET DETROIT, TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU AND ALL POINTS. 

EV CHARGERS: The DNR is installing chargers in more state parks to accommodate the growing number of visitors who drive EVs. The initiative is a partnership with EV manufacturer Revian and national nonprofit Adopt a Charger. We speak to DNR, Adopt a Charger and the superintendent of Holland State Park. Also mentions Belle Isle, Bay City, Leelanau, Orchard Beach and Mears state parks and the Oden Fish Hatchery, By Kayte Marshall. FOR HOLLAND, LEELANAU, TRAVERSE CITY, OCEANA COUNTY, PETOSKEY, MIDLAND, WKTV, HARBOR SPRINGS, PLANET DETROIT, DETROIT AND ALL POINTS.

w/EV CHARGERS CURRENT: Seven state parks and one state fish hatchery have EV charging stations. Source: Department of Natural Resources.

w/EV CHARGERS FUTURE: Additional state parks and DNR facilities where EV chargers are planned for 2024. Source: Department of Natural Resources.

OPIOID LIABILITY: A Keego Harbor senator has proposed prohibiting local governments from suing drug manufacturers and pharmacies that have settled opioid epidemic-related claims with the state and federal governments. Her bill, passed by the Senate, is awaiting House action. A Charlevoix County commissioner says local officials should have the right to file their own lawsuits. By Kelsey Lester. FOR DETROIT, CHEBOYGAN, PETOSKEY AND ALL POINTS.

w/OPIOID LIABILITY MAP: This map shows opioid dispensing rates in 2020. Otsego County and Emmet County were the two highest dispensing areas. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

SCHOOL BUS: School districts across the state are in the midst of a continuing shortage of bus drivers, and some are offering higher pay and benefits to attract applicants. The Michigan Association for Pupil Transportation explains why. The Mecosta-Osceola Intermediate School District managed to fill its positions this school year. By Brandy Muz. FOR BIG RAPIDS, LAKE COUNTY AND ALL POINTS.

SHARED ABUNDANCE: A new book by a food activist shares 20 years of experience in promoting local food systems through the Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities in Traverse City. By Jacklyn Sellentine. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU, MICHIGAN FARM NEWS AND ALL POINTS.

w/SHARED ABUNDANCE COVER: Credit: Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities.

w/SHARED ABUNDANCE AUTHOR: Policy analyst Diane Conners, the author of newly published “Shared Abundance.” Credit: Beth Price

FIGHTING INVASIVES: The Midwest Invasive Species Information Network needs help finding and identifying invasive land and aquatic species. The organization leads several citizen science initiatives, two of which – Eyes on the Forest and MI Paddle Stewards – are expanding their programs, looking for volunteers to cover more ground and water. Includes references to Mason, Oceana, Ottawa, Allegan, Benzie, Oakland and Muskegon counties. By Elinor Epperson. FOR LUDINGTON, OCEANA, OTTAWA, DETROIT, PLANET DETROIT, HOLLAND, MICHIGAN FARM NEWS AND ALL POINTS.

w/ FIGHTING INVASIVES PHOTO: Participants in a MI Paddle Stewards invasive species training paddle on the upper Grand River in Jackson. Credit: Michigan Sea Grant


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