CNS Summer 2022 1st Michigan Environmental budget

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June 3, 2022, CNS Budget — 1st summer environmental package

To: CNS Editors

From: Eric Freedman

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ENVIRONMENTAL STORIES: Editors, this is the 1st of our summer packages with Michigan-relevant environmental new stories, done in collaboration with our partner, Great Lakes Echo.

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARIES: This is also our 1st batch of Michigan-relevant environmental commentaries, also in collaboration with Great Lakes Echo.



CONSERVATION AGREEMENTS: A revived state-federal agreement will make available millions of dollars for Michigan farmers who implement land conservation practices, such as filter strips, field windbreaks and wetland restoration. The money will be available for farmers in the Lake Macatawa, Western Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay areas. We hear from the U.S. Farm Services Agency, state Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Farm Bureau and Isabella County-based Michigan Farmers Union. By Sydney Bowler. FOR MONROE, BLISSFIELD, ADRIAN, HOLLAND, MICHIGAN FARM NEWS, ALCONA, ALPENA, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS and ALL POINTS.


 BACKYARD HABITATS: Backyard habitats that attract wildlife can be as small as a balcony, porch or postage stamp-sized yard. A National Wildlife Federation certifies wildlife habitats. Experts from the DNR’s Outdoor Nature in Detroit explain how to create and sustain backyard habitats. By Rayna Skiver. FOR DETROIT, PLANET DETROIT, MICHIGAN FARM NEWS and ALL POINTS.

w/BACKYARD HABITATS PHOTO 1: Backyard habitats with native plants are beneficial to wildlife. Credit. Natalie Cypher

w/BACKYARD HABITATS PHOTO 2: Certified Wildlife Habitat sign from the National Wildlife Federation. Credit: Natalie Cypher

w/BACKYARD HABITATS GRAPHIC: Climate Solutions logo. Credit: Asher Freedman


SUPPLY CHAIN RECYCLING: Pandemic-related supply chain disruptions and rising petroleum prices have made it tougher and more expensive for manufacturers to obtain some raw materials, increasing the demand for recyclable materials such as plastics and cardboard. Meanwhile, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy reports that Michigan’s recycling rate is improving. New grant projects include recycling efforts in Flint, Marquette and Alpena. We also talk to the MSU Recycle Center. By Danielle James. FOR CORP! GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, MARQUETTE, ALPENA, DETROIT and ALL POINTS.


TIKTOK GREAT LAKES: A former Chelsea art teacher has gone viral with her TikToks on the Great Lakes and water, on topics ranging from a Lake Superior shipwreck discovery to spooky lakes to the Congo River. Geo Rutherford, now a printmaker and teacher at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, has 1.3 million followers on TikTok. By Rachel Duckett. FOR MARQUETTE, SAULT STE. MARIE, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, PETOSKEY, HARBOR SPRINGS, LEELANAU, OCEANA COUNTY, BENZIE COUNTY, MONROE, ALCONA, ALPENA, IRON MOUNTAIN, DETROIT, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE and ALL POINTS.

w/TIKTOK GREAT LAKES PHOTO: Printmaker and TikTok creator Geo Rutherford combines environmentalism and art. Credit: Instagram (@someprintlife 


TRANSIT AGENCY CHALLENGES: Ridership on public transit systems plummeted and employees encountered increased mental health problems during the pandemic. Now the state’s local transit agencies report a reversal of the downward ridership trend and say they’ve implemented measures to help employees. We hear from the Michigan Public Transit Association, the Bay Area Transportation Authority in Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties and the Mecosta-Osceola Transit Agency based in Big Rapids. By Jada Penn. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU, BIG RAPIDS and ALL POINTS.


MILK & CLIMATE: Rising temperatures from climate change may slightly increase milk production, despite the heat stress on cows, new study says. Dairy cows produce less milk when they get too hot, but hot temperatures do stimulate the growth of plants that cows eat to produce milk. Lost milk production through heat stress can be offset by higher feed production. We hear from MOO-ville Creamery in Barry County and the researchers. For news and agriculture sections. By Shelby Frink. FOR MICHIGAN FARM NEWS, PLANET DETROIT and ALL POINTS.

w/CLIMATE & MILK GRAPHIC: Climate Solutions logo. Credit: Asher Freedman


FORESTS & WATER: New study says the immense value of drinking water can be a strong rationale for conserving and sustainably managing forests, but a study of people in three watersheds – less populated and heavily forested Au Sable River Watershed, more populated agricultural, forested and urban Lower Grand River Watershed and the heavily urbanized Detroit River Watershed – are often unaware of forests’ essential role in providing clean drinking water. By Sydney Bowler. FOR HOLLAND, DETROIT, ALCONA, MONTMORENCY, ALPENA, CRAWFORD COUNTY, GREENVILLE, IONIA, WKTV, MONROE and ALL POINTS.



COMMENTARY BULLFROGS: The sounds of bullfrogs on a small pond in Mason signal summertime, but they’re hard to find. Scientists are using eDNA to locate and then relocate them away from where they don’t belong. By Chey Lacasse. FOR ALL POINTS.

w/COMMENTARY BULLFROGS PHOTO: Bullfrog. Credit: Carl D. Howe via Wikipedia Creative Commons


COMMENTARY TICKS, HUNTING & CLIMATE: As a newbie hunter in mid-Michigan, she didn’t worry about ticks and Lyme disease. Now, however, the warming climate is expanding the range – and, thus, the danger – of disease-carrying ticks, MSU experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn. By Shelby Frink. FOR ALL POINTS.

w/TICKS, HUNTING & CLIMATE PHOTO 1: Shelby Frink’s first treed bear. Credit: Anne Proctor

w/TICKS, HUNTING & CLIMATE PHOTO 2: Shelby Frink, on her first bear hunt at age 13. Credit: Anne Proctor


COMMENTARY SKIING: The ski lift is one of the only socially acceptable places to talk to strangers, 10-minute conversations while sitting on freezing metal seats swinging above rocky cliffs With goggles and scarves covering faces, identities are a mystery. Now, whether in COlorado or Northern Michigan, ski resorts are wrestling with the adverse impacts of climate change, and some small ski slopes around the country are closing as a result. We talk to a ski resort in Harbor Springs? And the nonprofit Protect Our Winters. By Brooklyn Peppo. FOR ALL POINTS. 

w/SKIING PHOTO: Skier at Big Snow resort in Wakefield. Credit: Pure Michigan.



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