CNS Budget, July 26, 2019
Summer environmental bonus 6
To: CNS Editors
From: David Poulson
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This is the sixth of occasional summer bonus budgets of environmental stories produced by our partner, Great Lakes Echo. They will move periodically through the summer.
Here is your file:
WHITE PELICANS: The American white pelican has established a nest-hold in western Lake Erie for the first time, with prospects of future territorial expansion into lakes Huron and Ontario, a new study says. With a 9-foot wingspan, it’s one of North America’s largest birds. Researchers have found nesting sites on two uninhabited islands on the Canadian side of the lake. By Eric Freedman. FOR BLISSFIELD, ALCONA, ST. IGNACE, CHEBOYGAN, SAULT STE. MARIE, MARQUETTE, BAY MILLS, LEELANAU, OCEANA, BENZIE, TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU, HARBOR SPRINGS, PETOSKEY, HOLLAND AND ALL POINTS.
W/WHITE PELICAN FLYING PHOTO: Credit: Ingrid Taylar, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
W/WHITE PELICAN SWIMMING PHOTO: Credit: Scott Butner, Government of Ontario
SUFFERING SURFING: Record water levels are threatening Great Lakes surfing. They are swallowing some surfers favorite beaches and changing how the bottom of the lakes affect the water above. Still, some surfers say that the high water could make accessible previously unsurfable stretches of lake shore. By Meghan Callan FOR LUDINGTON, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, HOLLAND, HARBOR SPRINGS, LEELANAU, MARQUETTE, CHEBOYAGAN, ST. IGNACE AND ALL POINTS.
W/SURF PHOTO: Lake Michigan drowns Montrose Beach in Chicago. Image: Mike Killion
GREAT LAKES DIVERSION PUSHBACK A controversial plan to divert 7 million gallons of water a day from Lake Michigan to a proposed international electronics factory was recently uphelp. But that hasn’t ended opposition by environmental groups or settled worries that this is the first crack in a regional agreement to keep 21 percent of the world’s surface freshwater where it is now: within the Great Lakes basin. By Andrew Blok. FOR LUDINGTON, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, HOLLAND, HARBOR SPRINGS, LEELANAU, MARQUETTE, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE AND ALL POINTS.