April 15, 2016
To: CNS Editors
From: Dave Poulson and Sheila Schimpf
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Here is your file:
LEADHOUSE: The lead in Flint’s water gets plenty of attention, but there is another source of land contamination threatening Michigan cities and neighborhoods. The demolition of older homes and buildings can release lead into the air, threatening the health of those who live and work near these demolition sites. By Joshua Bender. FOR ALL POINTS.
HEAVYMETALTURTLES: Painted and snapping turtles in Lake Michigan wetlands accumulate heavy metals in their tissues, a new study shows. Testing took place at the mouths of the Grand, Muskegon and Kalamazoo rivers and Mona Lake near Muskegon. The heavy metals likely came from industrial, farming and landfill operations. We talk to the researchers, including one from Central Michigan University. By Marie Orttenburger. FOR LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, HOLLAND, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, LEELANAU, HARBOR SPRINGS AND ALL POINTS.
w/HEAVYMETALTURTLESMAP: Wetlands testing areas for Lake Michigan Turtles: Credit: Environemntal Monitoring & Assessment.
w/HEAVYMETALTURLESPHOTO: Basking painted turtles. Credit: Jack Pearce, Flickr.
TRIBALGRANTS: A Native American tribe in Michigan has landed a $200,000 grant to survey plants and wildlife and develop plans to protect them. Tribes in two other Great Lakes states also received funding to protect Lake sturgeon and bats. By Morgan Linn. FOR BAY MILLS AND ALL POINTS
WORKPLACEVIOLENCE: Health care workers at hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities are at higher risk of being assaulted on the job than workers in other types of jobs, a new report says. Most non-fatal assaults are by patients, their relatives and their friends. The Michigan Health & Hospital Association says its members have beefed up security, citing Sparrow Hospital as an example. UAW Local 6000, which represents health care workers at state psychiatric hospitals and prisons, and the Michigan Nurses Association, say there’s a connection between understaffing and workplace violence. By Eric Freedman. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, LANSING CITY PULSE AND ALL POINTS.