Feb. 14, 2014 – Week 5
To: CNS Editors
From: David Poulson & Sheila Schimpf
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All articles ©2014, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism. Nonmembers cannot reproduce CNS articles without written permission.
BEAVERTRAPPING: Licensed fur dealers could trap Michigan beavers under a bill aimed less at fur sales and more at reducing the population of an animal that can be a troublesome nuisance. By Danielle Woodward. FOR CADILLAC, TRAVERSE CITY, CHEBOYGAN, MARQUETTE, ALPENA, ST. IGNACE, HARBOR SPRINGS, PETOSKEY, BAY MILLS, SAULT STE. MARIE AND ALL POINTS.
TEETH: Bad teeth is one of the greatest reasons that Michigan kids miss school. They miss nearly 51 million hours of class time because of it. State health officials this year are hoping to invest more money in programs that address the oral health of children. They plan to expand a Healthy Kids Dental program in Macomb and Kalamazoo counties; Kent, Oakland and Wayne counties are the only remaining counties without that program. By Ashley Weigel. FOR MACOMB, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, ROYAL OAK, DEADLINE DETROIT AND ALL POINTS.
WATERFOWL: Michigan’s harsh winter has waterfowl mistaking highways for open water. Once they land, many can’t take off again, leaving record numbers stranded and at risk of death. We talk to wildlife rehabilitators in Cheboygan, Macomb and Marquette counties and DNR officials in Cadillac and Traverse City. By Darcie Moran. FOR CADILLAC, CHEBOYGAN, MACOMB, MARQUETTE, TRAVERSE CITY AND ALL POINTS.
PROSTITUTE: The House took on human sex traffickers by passing a bill that increases penalties for brothel keepers and jail sentences for those who recruit prostitutes. The director of an Ann Arbor human trafficking center says law enforcement needs more tools. A Wyoming, Mich., survivor of sex trafficking says convicting pimps is only one facet: more services for the women affected are needed. We hear from representatives from Argentine Township and St. Clair Shores. By Nick Stanek. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, DEADLINE DETROIT, MACOMB and ALL POINTS.
SEWAGEDUMPER: A federal judge in Detroit has rejected a challenge to the felony conviction and prison sentence of a former Washtenaw County landlord who illegally dumped more than 100,000 gallons of raw sewage into the Huron River. By Eric Freedman. FOR MICHIGAN CITIZEN, DEADLINE DETROIT, ROYAL OAK, MACOMB & ALL POINTS.
w/SEWAGEDUMPERPHOTO: David Kircher. Credit: Department of Corrections.
URBANRENEWAL: Normally construction for a major project like Detroit’s Comerica Park requires the demolition of everything in its way. But the Gem Theater, once lying in the shadows of Comerica Park and Ford Field, now resides five blocks from where it was built. In 1997, the 2,700-ton building was moved on wheels. Aerial imagery before and after the move shows a city in transition. By Erik Stiem. FOR DEADLINE DETROIT, ROYAL OAK, MACOMB, MICHIGAN CITIZEN AND ALL POINTS