April 5, 2013 – Week 11
To: CNS Editors
From: Sheila Schimpf & Matt Hund
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IN-DEPTH WEEK AHEAD: Next Friday, April 12, will be our second in-depth file of the semester.
OLDPRISONERS: The proportion of the 44,000 inmates older than 55 is growing, putting a heavy financial burden on taxpayers because of high medical costs. Corrections director says he sees “wagon trains of wheelchairs in the chow line,” and the department is looking at opening more special units and other measures. Lakeland in Coldwater has the most elderly inmates, including the oldest, 88, convicted of sex crimes in St. Clair County. We also hear from the American Friends Service Committee. By Kyle Campbell. FOR BLISSFIELD, MARQUETTE, LAPEER, GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, DEADLINE DETROIT, LANSING, BAY MILLS, GREENVILLE, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE & ALL POINTS.
w/OLDPRISONERSPHOTO: At age 88, Pinckney Lee McCoy is Michigan’s oldest prisoner and serving 15 to 30 years for sex crimes. Credit: Department of Corrections.
MIGRANTLABOR: A new Civil Rights Department report says challenges, including living conditions, still face migrant farmworkers. The Agriculture and Rural Development Department has added more housing inspectors. We also talk to a Wayne State sociologist, Migrant Legal Aid in Grand Rapids and the head of the Hispanic and Latino Commission. By Michael Gerstein. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, HOLLAND, LUDINGTON, BIG RAPIDS, MANISTEE, STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, BLISSFIELD, GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, LANSING, LAPEER, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
VIDEOARRAIGNMENT: Macomb County’s technology for video arraignments of criminal suspects will expand to district courts throughout Michigan, a move expected to save time and money for sheriffs’ departments and the Department of Corrections. Officials say it will also reduce security risks by eliminating the need to transport defendants from distant jails for brief courtroom appearances. Wayne and Oakland already have video arraignment systems. By Celeste Bott. FOR MACOMB, ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, DEADLINE DETROIT & ALL POINTS.
w/VIDEOARRAIGNMENTGRAPHIC: Oakland County’s video arraignment system. Credit: Oakvideo Report by Robert Daddow.
ENVIRONMENTAL: The Department of Environmental Quality points to two negotiated settlements as indications it can protect the environment without damaging business. Cleanups at Dow Chemical in Midland and Bay Harbor Resort are underway. By Justine McGuire. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, HOLLAND, PETOSKEY, HARBOR SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, LACONA, GLADWIN, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
RURALVETS: The failure of the House to approve Medicaid expansion blocks an estimated 20,000 veterans from the program, many of them in rural areas a long drive from VA hospitals and community-based outpatient clinics. We hear from the American Legion, League for Human Services and state agencies. By Michael Gerstein. FOR MARQUETTE, BAY MILLS, ST. IGNACE, CHEBOYGAN, ALPENA, ALCONA, CRAWFORD COUNTY, GLADWIN, BLISSFIELD, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, HARBOR SPRINGS, BIG RAPIDS, CADILLAC, GREENVILLE, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, LAKE COUNTY, STAR HERALD, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, LANSING, THREE RIVERS, STURGIS, SOUTH BEND, LAPEER, BROWN CITY & ALL POINTS.
TASERSINPRISONS: The Corrections Department and its officers’ union agree that the availability of tasers to help control unruly inmates has reduced injuries to prison employees. We also talk to a Northern Michigan University criminal justice expert. By Justine McGuire. FOR MARQUETTE, LAPEER, GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, DEADLINE DETROIT, LANSING, BAY MILLS & ALL POINTS.
MACKINACISLAND: By Edith Zhou. The tourist season is about to start and several new businesses are hoping to capitalize on visitors. Mackinaw City is offering a restored rowhouse and two new historical exhibits. Two new park commissioners have been named by by the governor to replace veterans. FOR ST. IGNACE, CHEBOYGAN, MARQUETTE, CADILLAC, PETOSKEY, TRAVERSE CITY & ALL POINTS.
STURGEONSTUDIES: Research by DNR and MSU scientists at Black Lake is shedding light on sturgeon spawning patterns. The project also brings science into classrooms as students learn about fish biology. For news and outdoors pages. By Matthew Hall. FOR CHEBOYGAN, ALCONA, ALPENA, TRAVERSE CITY, CADILLAC, CRAWFORD COUNTY, GLADWIN, PETOSKEY, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, BIG RAPIDS & ALL POINTS.
w/STURGEONSTUDIESPHOTO: Young sturgeon. Credit: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.