April 19, 2013 CNS Budget

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April 19, 2013 – Week 13
To: CNS Editors
From: Eric Freedman & Sheila Schimpf
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All articles ©2013, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism. Nonmembers cannot reproduce CNS articles without written permission.
LAST REGULAR FILE AHEAD: Next Friday, April 26, will be our last regular file of the spring semester. Our bonus week file will follow on May 3.
HALL OF FAME REMINDER: Sunday, April 21, is the annual Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame dinner to induct Emmy-winner Nancy McCauley-Branstetter; W. Kim Heron of Metro Times; Betsy Pollard Rau of Central Michigan University’s Journalism Department; Osama Siblani of the Arab American News; and the late Hugh Grannum of the Detroit Free Press. For information and reservations, contact Margie Anderson at the MSU School of Journalism, 517-353-6430 or ander186@msu.edu.
SURVIVORBENEFITS: Since the 2003 line-of-duty death of a Clare County deputy, the Sheriffs’ Association has pushed unsuccessfully to extend the same survivor benefits to local officers as troopers receive.  Ten of the 11 who died in the line of duty in the past five years worked for local agencies. We hear from a widow, ex- sheriffs in Eaton and St. Joseph counties who are now lawmakers and a Harrison Township representative. By Justine Maguire. FOR STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, SOUTH BEND, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, DEADLINE DETROIT, LANSING, GLADWIN & ALL POINTS.
w/SURVIVORBENEFITSTABLE: 11 Michigan law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in the past five years. Source: Officer Down Memorial.
PARAMEDICS: More West Michigan paramedics are using smartphones to improve patient treatment by speeding up research and increasing information about medications. By Cortney Erndt. FOR LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, HOLLAND, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
JAILTREATMENT:  The governor has directed the Community Health Department to  consolidate mental health and substance abuse programs, two types of problems that county jails often handle differently. We hear from jail officials in Macomb, Crawford and Ottawa counties. By Kyle Campbell. FOR MACOMB, DEADLINE DETROIT, HOLLAND, CRAWFORD COUNTY, TRAVERSE CITY, BIG RAPIDS, CADILLAC, MICHIGAN CITIZEN & ALL POINTS.
FSHSTOCKING: DNR is stocking 19 million fish this season, including chinook and Atlantic salmon, as part of an effort to lure more anglers to the sport, but stocking numbers and sites are not the same as in past years. For news and outdoors pages. By Edith Zhou: FOR MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, MARQUETTE, ALPENA, ALCONA, ST. IGNACE, TRAVERSE CITY, CHEBOYGAN, CADILLAC, BIG RAPIDS, GLADWIN, CRAWFORD COUNTY , STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, GREENVILLE, BIG RAPIDS, HOLLAND, SOUTH BEND, BAY MILLS, LANSING & ALL POINTS.
w/FISHSTOCKINGPHOTO: DNR staff stocking fish on the Red  Cedar River in East Lansing. Credit: Department of Natural Resources.
COASTERBROOK: Two research projects are helping to protect spawning sites of coaster brook trout in the U.P. The projects are led by Michigan Tech and the Superior Watershed Partnership. By Celeste Bott. FOR MARQUETTE, ST. IGNACE, BAY MILLS & ALL POINTS.
w/COASTERBROOKPHOTO: Coaster brook trout. Credit: Casey Huckins, Michigan Technological University.
SANDTRAP: A new DNR study of 65 sand traps in the U.P. and northern Lower Peninsula concludes that the effort to capture sediment in streams may be harming, not helping,   trout and salmon populations. There are 250 sand traps across the state. We also talk to a Northern Michigan University fish biologist.  By Michael Gerstein. FOR ALPENA, ALCONA, CHEBOYGAN, CADILLAC, ST. IGNACE, TRAVERSE CITY, CRAWFORD COUNTY, GLADWIN, BIG RAPIDS, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, GREENVILLE & ALL POINTS.
PRESSFREEDOM-OP-ED: Op-ed column. With World Press Freedom Day coming on May 3, legislators are divided about expanding or narrowing Michigan’s open government – freedom of information and open meetings – laws. By Eric Freedman. FOR ALL POINTS.

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