Feb. 22, 2013 CNS Budget

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Feb 22, 2013 – Week 6
To: CNS Editors
From: Eric Freedman, Sheila Schimpf & Matt Hund
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All articles ©2013, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism. Nonmembers cannot reproduce CNS articles without written permission.
STATE UNIVERSITIES AHEAD: On Monday, Feb. 25, your correspondents will interview Michael Boulus, executive director of the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan.
CHARTERSCHOOLSTUDY: A Stanford University study says the average charter school student in Michigan learns significantly more in a year than his or her public school peers. Differences are especially noticeable in Detroit and other urban areas. But not all the findings are favorable to charters. We hear from Royal Oak-based education advocacy group and Midland-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy. By Celeste Bott. FOR MICHIGAN CITIZEN, LANSING, MACOMB, ROYAL OAK, DEADLINEDEROIT & ALL POINTS.
CHERRYINSURANCE: The federal government may launch a tart cherry insurance program in 2014 after Michigan’s weather-devastated 2012 crop. The sweet cherry insurance program will expand this year from Leelanau and Grand Traverse counties to add Manistee, Antrim, Benzie, Mason and Oceana. The Farm Bureau, Cherry Committee and a Suttons Bay grower explain. For news and agriculture pages. By Justine McGuire. FOR HOLLAND, CHEBOYGAN, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, LUDINGTON, HARBOR SPRINGS, MANISTEE, CADILLAC & ALL POINTS.
VOCATIONALBILL: A Clare lawmaker wants to let vocational education students skip algebra II and other required classes if they’re in a high school career program with relevant math content. It’s intended to prepare more students for skilled manufacturing jobs. We hear about companies in Marne, Grand Rapids, Kentwood, an Ottawa County high school, Grand Rapids Community College and a Grand Rapids lawmaker. By Cortney Erndt. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, HOLLAND, GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, GLADWIN, BIG RAPIDS & ALL POINTS.
POTATOEXPANSION: Potato production could expand if more are planted in the Northeast Lower Peninsula, which has available land, soil and water, the Farm Bureau president says. Biggest producers now are Montcalm, St. Joseph, Presque Isle, Monroe, Kalkaska and Bay counties. The state is already the national leader in growing potatoes for chips, with chip makers investing more money in their facilities. For agriculture and news pages. By Edith Zhou. FOR GREENVILLE, ALPENA, BLISSFIELD, CHEBOYGAN, STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, SOUTH BEND, TRAVERSE CITY  & ALL POINTS.
BULLYINGINITATIVE: Allandale, Detroit and Vandercook Lake schools have been chosen for state-funded anti-bullying projects in their high schools. School officials, the Department of Civil Rights and the Education Department explain. By Cortney Erndt. FOR HOLLAND, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, DEADLINE DETROIT & ALL POINTS.
PRISONSECURITY: As the number of inmates and prisons shrinks, the Corrections Department faces questions about the appropriate security classifications for those remaining We hear from a union leader in Newberry  the department and a prisoner advocacy group. By Kyle Campbell. FOR DEADLINE DETROIT, BIG RAPIDS, GREENVILLE, LAPEER, BROWN CITY, MARQUETTE, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, ROYAL OAK, BAY MILLS, ST. IGNACE & ALL POINTS.
GOVERNMENTJOBSTREND: The job picture may be a bit rosier for people aspiring to careers with state or local governments, at least nationally, but apparently not in Michigan, as Alpena and St. Ignace illustrate. By Justine McGuire. FOR ALPENA, ST. IGNACE, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
LICENSEFEES: The Snyder administration’s proposed hike in hunting and fishing license fees would disproportionately hurt seniors, a U.P. lawmaker says. An Au Gres charter boat captain says it could deter family day excursions. DNR wants the money for more conservation officers. MUCC is studying the proposal, while AARP is generally concerned about increasing costs for seniors. For news and outdoors pages. By Kyle Campbell: FOR CADILLAC, TRAVERSE CITY, MARQUETTE, BIG RAPIDS, GREENVILLE, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, BAY MILLS, ALPENA, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, PETOSKEY, HARBOR SPRINGS. GLADWIN, CRAWFORD COUNTY, HOLLAND, LAKE COUNTY, HERALD REVIEW & ALL POINTS.

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