Oct. 26, 2012 – Week 8
To: CNS Editors
From: Eric Freedman, Sheila Schimpf & Dawn Parker
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All articles ©2012, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism. Nonmembers cannot reproduce CNS articles without written permission.
SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION AHEAD: On Monday, Oct. 29, your correspondents will interview Superintendent of Public Instruction Mike Flanagan. Potential topics include student performance and drop-out rates; charter schools; districts under emergency managers; and K-12 legislation.
CHILDDEATHS: New projects in the Grand Rapids and Detroit areas are intended to reduce infant mortality and close the death rate gap between white and non-white babies. Grand Valley State and Wayne State are working with the Department of Community Health, Mott Children’s Health Center and others. By Anjana Schroeder. FOR MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, ROYAL OAK, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, GREENVILLE, ANN ARBOR & ALL POINTS.
w/CHILDDEATHSGRAPHIC: Michigan infant mortality by mother’s age and ethnicity, 2010. Credit: Department of Community Health.
SOURBERRIES: A tiny invasive bug is threatening havoc on Michigan’s biggest-in-the-nation blueberry industry. The spotted wing drosophila is causing an estimated $27 million in damage to this year’s crop, with a more devastating hit predicted for 2013. We hear from an MSU Extension expert and blueberry growers in Fennville and Ypsilanti. By Lauren Gentile. FOR MANISTEE, BIG RAPIDS, HOLLAND, LUDINGTON, ANN ARBOR, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
w/SOURBERRIESPHOTO: Spotted wing drosophila. Credit: Michigan State University.
VETERANS’ASSISTANCE: Michigan veterans rank 50th in federal benefits per capita, national figures show, although some veterans groups such as the American Legion question those figures and that ranking. Some counties offer special services, such as veterans’ courts in Macomb and Ingham counties. The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs says it’s working harder to inform veterans about available education, medical and pension benefits. By Edith Zhou. FOR MACOMB, LANSING, MICHIGAN CITIZEN & ALL POINTS.
HEALTHCAREINTEGRATION: The state is pushing more cooperation and collaboration among behavioral health and physical health providers. The goal is more cost-effective and comprehensive treatment. A new U of M study shows that clinically depressed people have trouble identifying various emotions. A Jackson County expert also explains. By Celeste Bott. FOR JACKSON, ANN ARBOR, LANSING, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
HOLIDAYSHOPPING: Retailers are optimistic about this winter’s shopping season, a new study shows. The highest confidence rate about increasing holiday sales is in Michigan’s Southeast and Central regions. In-state retailers still worry about online competition from out-of-state businesses that don’t collect sales tax. For news and business pages. By Lauren Gibbons. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS & ALL POINTS.
BROOKTROUTLIMIT: A controversial proposal to double the daily creel limit for brook trout on 10 U.P. rivers and tributaries is drawing fire from some environmentalists and scientists but welcomed by the tourism industry. DNR expects to make a decision in early November. We hear from Trout Unlimited, UP Travel and Recreation Association, Sierra Club, DNR and a Northern Michigan University fisheries expert. By Saodat Asanova-Taylor. FOR ST. IGNACE, MARQUETTE, CHEBOYGAN, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, ALPENA, HARBOR SPRINGS & ALL POINTS.
HEALTHIERMICHIGAN: The state plans a new campaign to promote healthier lifestyles, focusing on four key health measures and four key healthy behaviors. A Big Rapids school official notes that students waste a lot of food but want bigger portions. By Lauren Gentile. FOR BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, LANSING & ALL POINTS.
ARCHAEOLOGY: The latest archaeological discoveries in Michigan are shedding light on the past, ranging from ancient agricultural practices to MSU campus architecture. We hear from participants in the annual Midwest Archaeological Conference. By Lauren Gibbons. FOR LANSING, GREENVILLE, LUDINGTON, BIG RAPIDS, HOLLAND, STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, MANISTEE, GLADWIN, CRAWFORD COUNTY, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, ALPENA, CADILLAC & ALL POINTS.
LATEBILLS: The clock is ticking toward the end of the legislative session, but that hasn’t stopped some senators and representatives from introducing 11th-hour bills that are doomed to die. Motives range from politics and public relations to a desire to open a debate that will continue next year if those bills are reintroduced. Lawmakers from Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Flushing and Saline explain. By Silu Guo. FOR LANSING, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, BLISSFIELD & ALL POINTS.
HEALTHCENTERGRANTS: A new round of federal Affordable Care Act grants is intended to improve the quality of care, including more cervical cancer screenings for low-income and less-educated women. Michigan’s 22 recipients include health centers in Grand Rapids, Jackson, Lansing, Marquette and Detroit. By Celeste Bott. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, JACKSON, LANSING, MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, ROYAL OAK & ALL POINTS.
ORGANDONORS: More Michigan drivers are signing up for the organ donor registry, and the state was second in the nation in registry growth. Among the counties with much-higher-than average participation are Emmet and Charlevoix. The Secretary of State, an Ann Arbor-based advocacy group and a Lansing transplant recipient discuss. By Lauren Gibbons. FOR PETOSKEY, HARBOR SPRINGS, TRAVERSE CITY, LANSING, ANN ARBOR & ALL POINTS.
DEVELOPMENTALEDUCATION: Community colleges across the state are exploring ways to reduce the time many students need to raise their math, reading and English skills enough to do college-level work. For example, Macomb, Montcalm, Oakland, Jackson and Grand Rapids community colleges are among 17 participating in one initiative. By Anjana Schroeder. FOR MACOMB, GREENVILLE, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, JACKSON, ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN CITIZEN & ALL POINTS.
OBESITYGRANT: Grand Valley and Wayne State are collaborating with the Department of Community Health and other agencies on a $1.5 million project to help health professionals work better together. A nursing professor says Michigan’s obesity rate could increase by 60 percent in the next 20 years. By Silu Guo. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, HOLLAND, MICHIGAN CITIZEN, MACOMB, ROYAL OAK & ALL POINTS.