Smoother transition to college urged for Michigan’s students

Capital News Service
LANSING — Michigan is making flexible college credit options a priority for high school students around the state. College preparation is rising in importance among school districts and state government alike, as Gov. Rick Snyder emphasized in his State of the State Address. Students’ transition from high school to college needs to be more efficient, Snyder said, “making it easy for them to get assistance, understanding of where that career counseling is, where those great tech opportunities are, how to do it faster, and better and less expensively.”

According to Brian Barber of the Michigan Department of Education’s Office of Education Improvement and Innovation, the high school-to-college transition happens most successfully through programs like dual enrollment and “middle college” options. These programs have seen huge growth in the last decade, with high schools and colleges throughout the state including more programs each year. “Michigan is becoming a leader in trying to open up access to postsecondary options, and trying to create a seamless transition,” Barber said.