Common Core defenders call out misconceptions

Capital News Service
LANSING — As bills to repeal Common Core school standards move through the Legislature, educators are trying to correct misconceptions they believe may have motivated the legislation. The Common Core state standards – which set out what K-12 students should know at specific grade levels – were implemented across Michigan after the State Board of Education’s unanimous approval in 2010. The proposal would terminate the current academic standards and replace them with standards used by Massachusetts schools from 2008-2009. Supporters of the repeal, including 29 House members, say this switch would bring Michigan up to par with Massachusetts’ consistently high educational attainment scores – although after 2009, that state did join Michigan and 43 other states in implementing Common Core standards. Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, the House bill’s main sponsor, said he is unsatisfied with assessment data results under Michigan’s Common Core standards.

Senate panel passes bill to replace Common Core standards

Capital News Service
LANSING – Some lawmakers want to change the standards for preparing students for college in hopes of raising Michigan’s education rankings. But critics say they are lowering the standards. The state now falls under the national Common Core standard where schools work with a state’s four-year public university system to certify that students will not need to take remedial coursework in college. Standards are based on what students must know at each grade level to graduate from high school and college to be career-ready. Some lawmakers are sponsoring legislation that would end the Common Core standard  and move to a new assessment based on one that Massachusetts used to use.

Schools prepare for new test on Common Core Standards

Capital News Service
LANSING — State education officials are testing a new test over the next two weeks to measure high school students’ college and career readiness. From March 24 to April 11, a pilot will be given to 120,000 Michigan students in 675 schools. Some local officials worry that the test may not measure up if it takes too long or if students lack the computer skills or the schools lack the computers needed to take it. The test was created by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, a national group developing a test that aligns with the Common Core standards. Those are a consistent set of standards created to measure math, science, English and social studies programs in most states.