Making college parties sensory friendly at the MSU Museum
College parties are not usually what comes to mind when thinking of sensory friendly or inclusive environments. However a silent disco at the MSU Museum was both of those things.
The disco was the first event in a series of events at the MSU Museum, called First Fridays. On the first Friday of every month, students can head to the Museum for a free social event.
The disco was made possible by City Hop, a silent disco company based in Detroit. Their events are for everyone, and draw large crowds for that very reason.
“You can adjust the volume,” said Lavar Harris, DJ and CEO of City Hop, “you can have sensory friendly and you can have a regular party. You can bring all of those students together at once, instead of having a separate thing.”
If students felt overwhelmed and needed a break from the lights, music, and dancing, they could walk around the museum and check out the exhibits. Food and refreshments were available as well.
“It’s for-sure more inclusive,” said MSU student Deacon Bent, “especially for people who get sensory overloads and stuff. That’s usually why I don’t go to parties.”
The next event is scheduled for Friday November 4th, and is called “Nightmare at the Museum”.
Natasha Miller is helping the MSU Museum put these events on, and says they look forward to bringing more people together on campus.