To: CNS Editors
From: David Poulson and Sheila Schimpf
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MICHIGAN TREES – With one of the largest state forests in the country, Michigan could lead the nation on a carbon storage policy to help fight climate change, says the director of the Department of Natural Resources. The key is to make more than timber and wildlife habitat the top priorities when planning how to best use state forests. The ability to store excess carbon from exhaust and other greenhouse gas emissions is another value well worth considering, says Director Daniel Eichinger. Ironically, that doesn’t mean big, old trees which already have stored lots of carbon. It means encouraging young and rapidly growing forests as part of the state mix of forest planning. We talk to timber operators, an Upper Peninsula lawmaker, the Nature Conservancy, Michigan Forest Products Council and state forest planners. By Evan Jones. FOR MARQUETTE, ST. IGNACE, SAULT STE. MARIE, CHEBOYGAN, PETOSKEY, TRAVERSE CITY, BAY MILLS, CADILLAC, OCEANA, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, CRAWFORD COUNTY, ALCONA, MONTMORENCY, LEELANAU, BENZIE, HARBOR SPRINGS AND ALL POINTS.
w/WOOD BEAMS PHOTO – Michigan State University’s STEM Teaching and Learning Facility, the first of its kind in Michigan, is built with mass timber – large, older trees that continue to store the carbon they’ve accumulated rather than release it as a greenhouse gas. Credit: David Poulson
RECYCLING SUCCESS – Recyclers struggling with the loss of China as a market might take a look at what has been going on in Emmet County for decades. Strong in-state relationships helped Emmet County weather the loss of the Chinese market that once took about 30% of U.S. recyclables. Experts say that is a model Michigan communities should follow statewide. By Lucas Day. FOR PETOSKEY, CHEBOYGAN, TRAVERSE CITY, HARBOR SPRINGS AND ALL POINTS.
W/RECYCLING PHOTO: Emmet County Recycling Center has spent decades building relationships with in-state markets that are paying off as competition rises. Credit: Andi Shepherd
FISH STOMACHS – A bird leg, a Coke label and hundreds of pounds of gobies and alewives are among the contents of more than 3,000 fish stomachs examined by Michigan State University researchers. The study was done with the help of the anglers who caught the fish and donated their stomachs. Editors note: lots of images for a possible photo spread accompany this story. By Michaela Kratofil. FOR ALPENA, HOLLAND, TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU, ST. IGNACE, HARBOR SPRINGS, PETOSKEY, BENZIE, OCEANA, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, MARQUETTE, SAULT STE. MARIE, CHEBOYGAN AND ALL POINTS.
w/KIERCZYNSKI PHOTO: Graduate student Katie Kierczynski analyzing fish stomach content data. Credit: Brian Roth, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
W/STOMACH BIRD PHOTO: Remnants of a bird found in a fish stomach. Credit: Katie Kierczynski, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
W/ STOMACH COKE: Coke label found in fish stomach. Image: Jordan Andrus, undergraduate technician in Roth’s lab at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
W/STOMACH CONTENTS PHOTO: Stomach contents from a lake trout. Image: Katie Kierczynski, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
W/ YEAGER CARPENTER PHOTO: Undergraduate technicians Nick Yeager and Sharon Carpenter analyze smaller contents from fish guts in the lab. Credit: Katie Kierczynski, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
EAGLE LEGAL WOES -Two men in Manistee County said they mistook an eagle for a goose and shot it. That mistaken identity could cost them up to a year in prison and $5,000 in fines. For while eagles are no longer endangered, you still can get into big trouble for poaching the nation’s symbol. By Tasia Bass. FOR MANISTEE, LUDINGTON AND ALL POINTS
w/EAGLE PHOTO Under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, it is illegal to possess and harm an eagle, its feathers, nests or eggs. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service