CNS Budget – April 26, 2019

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April 26, 2019


To: CNS Editors

From: David Poulson and Sheila Schimpf

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Editors: Note that today’s budget has stories suited for news, outdoor, feature and business sections.


Here is your file:


TEACHER SURVEY: Looking for a satisfying career in education? Don’t come to Michigan. An astounding 75% of teachers surveyed wouldn’t recommend their job to their students. That’s a significant challenge to people looking to recruit and retain teachers. We talk to a school administrator in Brimley and officials with the Michigan Education Association. By Zaria Phillips. FOR SAULT STE. MARIE, BAY MILLS, ST. IGNACE AND ALL POINTS.

ELDER CARE: Michigan faces a shortage of about 32,000 health workers to care for its aging population. Advocates say low wages, low prestige and physically demanding work make it tough for the industry to compete with easier and better-paid jobs. They say the state needs certification and training programs to meet a growing need. We talk to the owner of a Marquette assisted living center, a Michigan State University eldercare expert and the Michigan Assisted Living Association. By Zaria Phillips. FOR MARQUETTE, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS JOURNAL, CORP!, LANSING CITY PULSE, BAY MILLS AND ALL POINTS.

COFFEEBIRDS: Blackpoll warblers are on a 12,400-mile trip to their breeding grounds in Canada and Alaska from the Amazon Basin and northern South America. They soon will stop in Michigan and other Great Lakes states to feast on insects and fuel themselves for the rest of the trip, according to data backpacks they wore for a recent study. The migratory songbirds are among those birds threatened by deforestation for coffee plantations. By Finn O’Keefe. FOR ALL POINTS.

W/BLACKPOLLPHOTO: A male blackpoll warbler in breeding plumage with a geolocator on its back. Credit: Vermont Center for Ecostudies

KAYAK LEELANAU: Rolling hills, beautiful beaches, great sunsets and a lot of water are just a few things you’ll find in Leelanau County, according to Jon Constant, a retired schoolteacher who has written a kayaker’s guidebook of the region. By Cassidy Hough. FOR LEELANAU, TRAVERSE CITY AND ALL POINTS.


W/KAYAKPARTNERS: Jon Constant, author of “Leelanau by Kayak,” right, and his kayaking partner Larry Burns. Credit: Jon Constant.


W/KAYAKSLEEPINGBEAR: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore by kayak. Credit: Jon Constant.


W/KAYAKCEDARLAKE:  Cedar Lake, Leelanau County, Michigan, by kayak. Credit: Jon Constant.

W/KAYAKCOVER:  Leelanau by Kayak by Jon Constant, second edition. Credit: Jon Constant.

LAMPREY FIGHT: Alarm cues to herd sea lamprey to where they can more easily be killed are among the new weapons in the fight against this invasive Great Lakes species. Another is sorting them from other fish. Multiple techniques are needed to control the fish that threatens a multi-billion dollar tourism industry. By Claire Moore. FOR LUDINGTON, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, SAULT STE MARIE, MARQUETTE, ALCONA, MANISTEE, BENZIE, OCEANA, HOLLAND, HARBOR SPRINGS, LEELANAU, BAY MILLS AND ALL POINTS.


W/LAMPREY PHOTO: The sucker mouth of a sea lamprey, an invasive species that latches on to native fish and feeds on their blood. Credit: T. Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

U.S.-CANADA MUSIC: The Detroit River marks the physical international border between the U.S. and Canada but Canadian radio stations have created a cultural bridge that connects Windsor and Metro Detroit. The upcoming Michigan appearances of Steven Page, formerly of the Canadian alternative rock band Barenaked Ladies, reflect that linkage. For feature and news pages. By Debrah Miszak. FOR ALL POINTS.


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