CNS Budget 2/22/2019
Feb. 22, 2019 – sixth file
To: CNS Editors
From: Perry Parks
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WORKKEYS – High school juniors would no longer have to take the ACT WorkKeys career readiness test under a bill with broad legislative backing — a move touted by educators as a way to save time, money and student stress. Grand Rapids area businesses, though, have found the test useful for hiring. We hear from the state Education Department, Association of Secondary School Principals and Michigan Manufacturers Association. Sponsors include lawmakers from Sturgis and Iron Mountain. By Maxwell Evans. FOR STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, MARQUETTE, SAULT STE. MARIE, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS AND ALL POINTS.
CELLPHONES – Democratic Rep. Mari Manoogian’s bill to ban cellphone use while driving is eagerly favored by police officials and has support from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. We hear from police chiefs in St. Ignace and Grand Blanc Township, the Office of Highway Safety Planning and lawmakers from Birmingham and Troy. By Zaria Phillips. FOR ST. IGNACE, CHEBOYGAN, SAULT STE. MARIE AND ALL POINTS.
INVASIVE – Most boaters have heard that zebra mussels, round gobies, milfoil and other invasive species harm the environment. But that doesn’t convince everyone to do something about it, according to a new study. And it only takes one mistake to unleash the damage they cause in the Great Lakes and inland lakes and rivers. By Angela Mulka. FOR LUDINGTON, TRAVERSE CITY, CHEBOYGAN, MARQUETTE, ST. IGNACE. SAULT STE. MARIE, HOLLAND, MANISTEE, BENZIE, HARBOR SPRINGS, PETOSKEY, LEELANAU, ALCONA, OCEANA, MONTMORENCY, CLARE, LAKE COUNTY, BIG RAPIDS, IONIA, HERALD REVIEW, GREENVILLE, STURGIS, THREE RIVERS AND ALL POINTS.
W/INVASIVE PHOTO – People visit an “Aquatic Invaders” outreach program produced by the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant/Illinois Natural History Survey. It’s intended to educate boaters on invasive species. Credit: Liza Lanum.
RECYCLE CLOTHES – Simple Recycling is rescuing unwanted clothes from potential disposal in landfills in 29 Michigan municipalities, including Lansing, East Lansing, Shelby in Oceana County and Harrison in Clare County. We ride with a truck driver and talk to local officials about the program. By Kalea Hall. FOR LANSING CITY PULSE, CLARE COUNTY, OCEANA AND ALL POINTS.
w/RECYCLECLOTHES1 – Simple Recycling partners with 160 municipalities across the U.S., including 29 in Michigan, to collect unwanted textiles. Credit: Kalea Hall.
w/RECYCLECOTHES2: Driver John Samland collects Simple Recycling bags in Lansing. Credit: Kalea Hall.
BUZZ FEEDING: If you were a Michigan honeybee, hairy mountain mint and common milkweed might be your top menu choices. If you were a Michigan bumblebee, you’d rather chow down on bee balm and shrubby St. John’s wort. And if you belonged to one of the state’s 465-plus species of wild bees, roundleaf ragwort and gray goldenrod may whet your appetite. Bees are critical to pollination of many crops, including blueberries, apples, pears, pumpkins and cherries. A new study examines what native plants each type of bee prefers to help farmers and growers choose the most attractive native plants to grow near their orchards and fields. Research done in Ionia, Leelanau and Berrien counties. By Eric Freedman. FOR GREENVILLE, IONIA, HOLLAND, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, LEELANAU, TRAVERSE CITY, STURGIS, OCEANA, BENZIE, THREE RIVERS, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FARM NEWS AND ALL POINTS.
w/BUZZ FEEDING TABLE: Native plants most attractive to Michigan bumblebees, honey bees and wild bees. Source: A Comparison of Drought-Tolerant Prairie Plants to Support Managed and Wild Bees in Conservation Programs”