Cellphones have become an integral part of day-to-day life. Many people carry a cellphone with them, whether they use it to communicate, entertain themselves, stay current with the news or to conduct business.
“I think I would do okay without it, but I am definitely addicted to social media,” Ehlana Whyman, a college student, said. “I don’t live at home anymore, I would miss being able to talk to my family.”
Others love the services cellphones provide, but feel that they could manage without one.
Phone companies are always coming out with various new versions of phones, enticing users to upgrade what they have for the new version. 84 percent of those surveyed have the option of upgrading their phone every two years, with 39 percent of them feeling the need to do so, whether the phone is in good shape or not.
“Phones get slower as they get older, plus I like being able to have the new technology and play the new games,” Will Carter, a student at Michigan State University, said.
Others feel that as long as their phone is working, there is no need to upgrade to the newest version.
“If my phone is working and does everything fine, why would I need a new one?”, a respondent wrote.
Phones do need to be upgraded as they break and as the technology fades. The average respondent has had 6 cellphones in their lifetime.
There will always be a market for phones, and as long as new technology is created and released to the public, there will be a desire for people to upgrade and have the best device possible.
All the data collected from the survey is outlined below.
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