Nov. 15, 2002 CNS Budget

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Messages to the Editors
WE’RE NOT SLIPPING: The CNS crew rolled into the newsroom this morning over a fresh snowfall — the first of the season in East Lansing — but there’s no slipping or sliding in its offering of news stories. There’s something for hunters, environmentalists, potential politicians, travelers and anyone concerned about safety. On Monday, the correspondents will meet with Michigan Department of Agriculture officials.
REMINDER: Don’t forget — next week is in-depth week. Expect a regular file and a myriad of in-depthers from your correspondents.
Articles for week of Friday, November 15, 2002
PROP2FOLLOW — It’s clean and it’s going to stay that way. It’s Lake Cadillac, a potential beneficiary of the environmental bonding program approved by voters Nov. 5. By Jessica Hulett. FOR CADILLAC.
SAFETY –Common sense and simple precautions will lessen the chance of hunters injuring themselves in fall from tree stands. By Matt Furst. FOR U.P. & ALL POINTS.
MDOT — A judge has ruled against a Hillsdale resident who sued the state Department of Transportation over flood damage he traces to road construction, but he vows to continue his near 2-year-old fight. By Breanna Shepherd. FOR HILLSDALE.
LEADERSHIP — A program at MSU is helping grow a new crop of grass roots political leaders. By Aleks Tapinsh. FOR SOUTH BEND.
BORDERCROSSING — Moves are under way to help ease congestion at the borders between Michigan and Canada. By Danny Layne. FOR MACOMB, ROMEO, MONROE, C&E, LAPEER & ALL POINTS. With graphic BORDERCROSS.
FARMERS — Low rain levels may qualify farmers in St. Joseph and 18 other counties for federal relief from crop losses. Meantime, 14 Upper Peninsula counties may get help for losses traced to too much rain. By Krista Chambers. FOR STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, SOUTH BEND, UPPER PENINSULA & ALL POINTS.
PRISONSOLUTION — Community-based efforts are helping ease prison crowding in Michigan and perhaps helping reduce the number of repeat offenders. By Katie Morell. FOR MONROEN.
PAROLEES — An emphasis on community-level rehabilitation programs is helping ease prison overcrowding in Michigan. By Stella Thevenin. FOR LANSING & MICHIGAN CITIZEN.
NEWOFFICER — Midland newest parole officer brings a dozen years of experience in corrections to the job. By Stella Thevenin. FOR MIDLAND.
ANTI-ICING — A nontoxic and biodegradable ant-icing project in Southwest Michigan is being expanded to cover all major freeways in the region. By Spiros Gallos. FOR SOUTH BEND, THREE RIVERS, STURGIS & HOLLAND.

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