Capital News Service
Among programs that could be eliminated with the passage of Proposal 4 are:
Merit Award Scholarships — allowed $114.3 million under the current 2003 budget.
Tuition incentive program, $5.3 million in 2003.
MEAP testing, $18.9 million.
Michigan Education Savings Plan, $1 million.
Medicaid nursing home personal needs allowances, $5 million.
Office on Aging (long term care advising and respite care), $5.8 million.
Medicaid support, $30 million.
Some programs that are currently not funded with tobacco money and would be, under Proposal 4:
Nonprofit hospitals, $92 million.
Tobacco-free Futures Fund, $49.3 million.
Licensed nursing homes, $42.7 million.
Licensed hospices, $6.6 million.
Healthy Michigan Foundation, $3.3 million.
Nurse Practitioners, $3.3 million.
School health centers, $3.3 million
© 2002, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism