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Messages to the Editors
SMORGASBORD: Your Capital News Service correspondents came up with a variety of story topics this week. Most are suitable for all geographic points in the CNS spectrum. Bill CotŽ is due back Monday. He and Donna spent the week in New England.
Articles for week of Friday, October 4, 2002
VOTINGSTRAIGHT — If approved Nov. 5 by Michigan voters, Proposal 1 could lead to long delays in future elections because it would eliminate straight-party voting, Democrats say. The League of Women Voters also calls for a “no” vote. Republicans, who favor the plan, have a different view. By Aleks Tapinsh. FOR ALL POINTS.
REVENUESHARING1 — The little city of Scottville is waiting for the other revenue-sharing shoe to drop next year. The city would have lost at least two of its nine full-time employees if the Legislature hadn’t overridden Gov. Engler’s veto of revenue sharing for 2002-03. By Jessica Hulett. FOR LUDINGTON & MANISTEE.
REVENUESHARING2 — Local government units across the state are waiting for the other revenue-sharing shoe to drop next year. They eked by for 2002-03 when the Legislature overrode Gov. Engler’s veto of revenue. But prospects for cuts next year have local leaders worried. By Jessica Hulett. FOR ALL POINTS.
UPHUNTING — Chronic wasting disease isn’t expected to keep hunters from going north for deer season. By Matt Furst. FOR U.P. & ALL POINTS.
SPAM — Legislative efforts to ease the flood of spam aren’t getting anywhere fast. By Danny Layne. FOR ALL POINTS.
STATERETIREMENT — Early retirements will reduce staffing in the Department of Corrections, but officials say there’s no need for people to worry about safety and security. By Katie Morell. FOR LAPEER & ALL POINTS.
FIREPROTECTIONGRANT — East Lansing is pleased that the state restored its fire-protection grant, which helps pay for the city’s service to the state’s largest university. By Stella Thevenin. For EAST LANSING.
CLEANWATER — If approved by voters Nov. 2, Proposal 2 would authorize the sale of $1 billion in bonds to help communities repair sewer systems and update wastewater treatment plants. By Spiros Gallos. For MANISTEE & ALL POINTS.
SMALLBUSINESS — Small businesses are joining forces to get the Legislature to help drive down what they see as prohibitive costs of health-care insurance. By Spiros Gallos. FOR ALL POINTS.