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Messages to the Editors
ELECTION EXCLUSIVE: We call your attention to the exclusive, copyrighted story by Katie Morell about Virgil Smith, Democratic candidate for the state House from northwest Detroit. Many people who voted for him in the August primary apparently didn’t know of his multiple legal problems–and probably thought they were voting for his father, a former state senator with almost the same name.
EDUCATION CHIEF: Several of today’s stories spring from our group interview with Tom Watkins, state superintendent of public instruction. Among the topics are special education, literacy, teacher training and U.P. schools.
PROPOSALS: At the request of several papers, we include in this file two coverall pre-election stories on the ballot issues. One summarizes all the proposals. The other focuses on the ultracontroversal tobacco Proposal 4, with a sidebar on which organizations would benefit financially if the plan passes.
STATE POLICE NEXT: Next week’s group interview is with State Police Director Stephen Madden, who’s expected to discuss anti-terrorism efforts, traffic safety and new crime-fighting technology.
Regular articles for week of Friday, October 25, 2002
VIRGILSMITH — Many voters in a northwest Detroit state House district apparently still don’t know the Democratic candidate has been convicted of three misdemeanor charges–and many apparently thought they were voting for his father, a former legislator with almost the same name. EXCLUSIVE. COPYRIGHTED. By Katie Morell. FOR MICHIGAN CITIZEN & ALL POINTS.
LIBRARIES — Many Michigan libraries are cutting services in response to reduced state aid, although some facilities don’t rely much on such funding. By Stella Thevenin. FOR MIDLAND, LANSING, GRAND RAPIDS & ALL POINTS.
ALLPROPS — Here’s a pre-election rundown on all four ballot proposals facing voters in the Nov. 5 general election. By Breanna Shepherd. FOR ROMEO, GRAYLING & ALL POINTS.
SIDEBARPROPS — Proposal 4 would have financial winners and losers among organizations. Here’s the list. By Breanna Shepherd. FOR ROMEO, GRAYLING & ALL POINTS.
TEACHINGBALANCE — New state accreditation standards will hold students, schools and parents more accountable. By Jessica Hulett. FOR LUDINGTON & ALL POINTS.
SPECIALED — Paying for special education programs is challenging more Michigan school districts and the state school chief blames much of that on unfulfilled federal aid promises. By Aleks Tapinsh. FOR GREENVILLE, HOLLAND & ALL POINTS.
LITERACY — New workshops funded by a federal grant will help adult education teachers focus on new techniques and technology. By Krista Chambers. FOR THREE RIVERS, STURGIS & ALL POINTS.
PROPOSAL4 — The tobacco proposal on the Nov. 5 ballot is stirring sharp attacks on whether it would benefit or harm health care and education. By Spiros Gallos. FOR ALL POINTS.
GHOSTS — With Halloween approaching, more attention is being called to the several tales about ghosts in some prominent U.P. attractions. BOOK REVIEW. By Eric Freedman. FOR ALL POINTS.
UPSCHOOLS — A U.P. school district is considering shifting to a four-day class week–if the Legislature passes a bill to allow the move. By Matt Furst. FOR U.P.
MIGRANTKIDS — The number of migrant pupils in dropping in some Michigan school systems and that’s cutting funding for the districts. By Danny Layne. FOR HOLLAND, STURGIS & ALL POINTS.