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Messages to the Editors
BACK IN BUSINESS: We’re off and running for the fall semester, with nine new correspondents covering our 26 member newspapers and magazines, plus MichiganLive on the Web. Please remember that your stories should be available for you to download from the Web site by 1 p.m. Fridays. That includes stories designated specifically for you, other CNS member papers and “all points.”
Articles for week of Friday, Setember 6, 2002
WATER — A water-withdrawal bill to be debated in the Legislature this fall could affect farmers in St. Joseph County, as well as many other agricultural areas of Michigan. By Krista Chambers. FOR STURGIS, THREE RIVERS.
TECHNOLOGY — A new program spearheaded by House Speaker Rick Johnson could expand statewide into Michigan school districts to help students gain new portable computer skills. By Jessica Hewitt. FOR CADILLAC & ALL POINTS.
HOLIDAY — The extended Labor Day holiday for public schools is still the topic for emotional debate as educators and business groups watch the results. By Danny Layne. FOR PETOSKEY & ALL POINTS.
EMMONS — Term-limited Sen. Joanne Emmons is ending her 12 years in the Senate, but has no regrets as she surveys her career. By Aleks Tapinsh. FOR GREENVILLE.
UPPLANS — U.P. Rep. Stephen Adamini wants a new highway and other services for his region, but he concedes it’s still a hard fight. By Matt Furst. FOR U.P.
DAVIDMEAD — Frankfort Rep. David Mead is pushing for more DNR employees to protect the state’s wildlife resources. By Spiros Gallas. FOR MANISTEE, LUDINGTON.
ELECTIONS — A senator from Traverse City wants to combine school and general elections to save money, but not everyone likes the idea. By Breanna Shepherd. FOR GRAYLING.
BRADSTREET — Rep. Bradstreet is term limited, but he’s got several matters to work on before the legislative session ends. (SIDEBAR) By Breanna Shepherd. FOR GRAYLING.
SAVAGE — A Grosse Pointe native is directing community-service projects in poverty-stricken Central Asia. By Eric Freedman. FOR C&G, ALL POINTS. (W/art, SAVAGEPIC)
MONROEREPS — Monroe area lawmakers are eying measures to give school districts money funding to educate children from mobile home parks and boost funding to local governments for police and fire protection services. By Katie Morell. FOR MONROE.