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Messages to the Editors
EXCLUSIVE BLANCHARD STORY: Capital News Service had an exclusive interview with former Gov. Jim Blanchard on Wednesday, February 6. We’re very happy to bring you an exclusive story ready for Friday publication by CNS correspondent Elizabeth Daneff. The article is for all points, and we hope you all take advantage of this extremely timely piece. All other articles will be ready to download on Friday afternoon, as usual.
COMING SOON: We are scheduled to meet next week with officials of the Michigan National Guard. Expected topics include the effects of Sept. 11 on the military service’s operations, such as security duties and special training, and on individual members regarding their civilian jobs, family obligations and morale.
Articles for week of Friday, February 8, 2002
LAKESHOREPROMOTION — Michigan’s official agency for tourism promotion has designed a advertising campaign to lure Indiana residents to West Michigan beach towns this summer. By Tracey Glazener. FOR HOLLAND, LUDINGTON, LEELANAU, MANISTEE, GRAND RAPIDS, SOUTH BEND, TRAVERSE CITY & PETOSKEY.
BLANCHARDPLAN — If elected governor, James J. Blanchard’s first priority would be to reorganize state government. The former governor, one of several candidates for the Democratic nomination, spoke in an exclusive interview with Capital News Service. By Elizabeth Daneff. FOR ALL POINTS.
ITEMPRICING — Consumers and businesses are at odds over a bill aimed at ending the state’s requirement for price tags on individual items in retail stores. By Catherine Byrne. FOR HILLSDALE, SOUTH BEND, LANSING, EAST LANSING & ALL POINTS. (NOTE: This article has localized quotes for all areas listed, so any quotes not designated for your area may be removed.
EDUCATION — School officials are relieved that the state is proposing a $200-per-pupil increase in funding for the 2002-03 school year, but they’re nervous about the future if economic woes continue. By Maureen O’Hara. FOR MIDLAND & ALL POINTS.
COMMUNITYCOLLEGES — Montcalm Community College is typical of the state’s community colleges that are growing in enrollment and quality as places to begin work toward a four-year degree, to train or retrain for various jobs or as sites for counseling services, recreation and cultural enrichment. By Audrey Barney. FOR GREENVILLE & ALL POINTS.
UPRETAILSALES — Some Upper Peninsula retailers are weathering the economic downturn by successfully offering sales online. By Chris Yagelo. FOR UPPER PENINSULA.