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Messages to the Editors
BROADBAND HIGHWAY: Perplexed about all the “broadband” talk? Unsure how it might affect your community? If so, you’re probably in good company, so we have a package of three stories to help explain what the high-speed Internet service is about, plus some localized pieces on particular towns. Look for the stories by Tracey Glazener, Elizabeth Daneff and Wanda Reese.
BUDGET TURMOIL: Budget Director Don Gilmer didn’t reveal any deep administration secrets about the upcoming state budget plan in our CNS interview with him, but he did give some specifics on how bad the financial situation is–pretty bad–and frankly said the governor won’t put up with Central Michigan University’s scheduled big jump in tuition rates. Look for comments by him and associates throughout this file’s stories.
RETAILERS NEXT: The recession’s impact often is most noticeably reflected in the big and little stores where people shop. We’ll delve into that on Monday when we interview leaders of the Michigan Retailers Association. Tell your correspondent if you have specific questions for the MRA .
Articles for week of Friday, February 1, 2002
TUITIONINCREASE — Many state colleges are looking at tuition increases, but Engler lieutenants are spreading the word that hikes the size proposed by Central Michigan University are beyond the financial pale. By Chris Yagelo. FOR U.P. & ALL POINTS.
MOBILEHOMES — More manufactured-home parks are popping up throughout Michigan, stirring concerns by some legislators and local officials that there won’t be enough tax revenue from the new developments to pay for increased services. By Audrey Barney. FOR GREENVILLE & ALL POINTS.
ROADS — New road-improvement projects set for Gladwin County will fuel the area’s economic growth, officials predict. By Maureen O’Hara. FOR MIDLAND.
CITIZENPOWER — If they know how, citizens can tap directly into state-government Web sites to find what’s being proposed for new laws or track down much other information. By Allison Miriani. FOR C&G, ROMEO, LAPEER & ALL POINTS.
DUALENROLLMENT — Some state universities are dropping credit for dual enrollments in high school and colleges, sparking complaints from harried students and parents. By Catherine Byrne. FOR SOUTH BEND & ALL POINTS.
ENGLERBROADBAND — Gov. Engler is taking his case for a proposed statewide high-speed Internet services to the public. By Wanda Reese. FOR ALL POINTS.
NORTHERNBROADBAND — High-speed Internet services are scarce but vital to Northern Michigan economic growth, business leaders say. By Elizabeth Daneff. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY.
- SMALL-TOWNBROADBAND — Rural areas and small towns are slow to get broadband services, but the demand is growing. By Tracey Glazener. FOR LUDINGTON, MANISTEE.