Faith leaders lead apology for history of slavery

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This flyer was handed out at the "Repairing the Breach" event.

Jianzhi Chen

This flyer was handed out at the "Repairing the Breach" event.

A group of all white faith leaders offered an apology for the history of enslavement of Black people Jan. 28 at the Reachout Christian Center.

In addition to the apology, the Justice League of Greater Lansing Michigan’s goal for the event is to raise $1 million from white houses of worship by the end of the year to help launch and fund black businesses, mortgages and education.

The organizers of the event declared the event was to consolidate the relationship between the community and repair the breach caused by the centuries of slavery by proposing reparations.  

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The Rev. Stanley Jenkins leads the litany of repentance. By Jiazhi Chen

The apology was led by Rev. Stanley Jenkins, and the vast majority of the white people in attendance participated by coming to the stage and reading out the litany of repentance together.

Michigan State Senator Sarah Anthony said she appreciated all those who were willing to come to the center. 

“We don’t have to talk about public opinion and the state of the country. We can literally start putting some numbers together and writing bills, and then start lobbying for these things in the halls of power,” said Anthony, “I am very grateful that you are here, because in fact many of you have nothing to do with this history, but you are still here.”

Willye Bryan, the founder of the Justice League of Greater Lansing, said they will be organizing more community events to advocate for African Americans. Pastor Terrence King said that the follow up meeting will take place Feb. 25.

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