Torrance City Council meeting draws vocal citizen comment

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The Torrance City Council meeting held on June 20 drew a crowd, half of the citizens carrying signs demanding environmental change with the others decked out in patriotic attire. Demands for the Torrance Refinery to be more transparent were made along with groups fighting to stop a decision that would allow flags other than that of the country or state on street lamps and poles. 

A proposed discussion was on the agenda to help the city council members decide whether the city should allow banners or flags, other than that of the city or state, to be put on city street lamps and poles. Three business owners discussed wanting to put banners with company logos or decorate the city for events. 

Despite there being no mention of specific events or kinds of flags that would be acceptable, there were rows of citizens adorned in American flag attire at the meeting that had come to try to stop the city councilors from allowing this. Seven members from that group who came up to speak targeted their comments toward pride month

 “A month dedicated to the sexual preference of one group has become overwhelming and unnecessary,” said one member of the group. 

All comments that were not in favor of allowing more kinds of flags and banners focused on pride month, despite pride flags being only one example given by community members. 

City council members and the mayor said they are dedicated to bettering their community and local government is all about the seemingly small issues. 

“Local government participation is where the public gets to truly interact with their elected officials in a very transparent forum,” said Mayor George Chen. “We encourage everyone to come and let their voice be heard.” 

Another group of citizens were present at this meeting, but for an entirely different cause. The city of Torrance is home to a large refinery and because of that, many citizens have environmental concerns. 

The Torrance Refinery Action Alliance is a volunteer group in the community that is advocating for the ban of MHF, a toxic chemical. According to its website, the Torrance refinery is one of two refineries, out of 15, in California that use this chemical. 

Each member of the group came up to give public comment and what they were asking for is full transparency. The TRAA is demanding reports and data be released. 

“I never knew about any of this until I saw the Torrance Refinery Action Alliance on Facebook,” said TRAA member Jane Affonso. “We don’t need to be using this stuff and the city has the reports, they just haven’t shown them to the public.” 

Amidst the chaos and impassioned pleas, was a celebration of high school students from the city who are embarking on an exchange program. The city of Torrance has a sister city in Kashiwa, Japan, and eight high school students will be staying with host families in Kashiwa for three weeks. Once they return, eight students from Kashiwa will be coming to America and hosted by the students’ families. 

Jadelyn Aaliyah, a delegate from the exchange program, attended the city council meeting as she always does with her mother who works in the building. The only difference is that today she was being recognized for her achievements. 

“I came today to be awarded as a delegate,” said Aaliyah. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to be living with my host family and eating all this good food, I can’t wait.” 

The city council ended the meeting by encouraging everyone to come back and voice their opinions at the next meeting on July 11. 

Sam Maddocks

Community member gives public comment in favor of the Torrance Refinery being more transparent.

Sam Maddocks

Eight students are recognized by Mayor George Chen for their academic achievements and future trip to Koshiwa, Japan.

Sam Maddocks

Community members get situated before the city council members officially call the meeting to begin.

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