Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently released her 2021 budget report with allocated amounts for education, health and the environment; all of which is coming to a total of $62 billion dollars.
$415 million of that is set aside for education. Governor Whitmer has a plan to increase the funding for basic classroom expenses, community colleges, preschool programs and more.
While in person schools could see positive effects from the increased funding, the same might not be said for public online schools like Michigan Connections Academy in Okemos.
Online school programs often see budget cuts every year making it a never ending battle, but this budget plan could cause a 20 percent cut to their programs effecting students and teachers all across the state.
If approved by the state legislature, the 2021 budget plan will start October 1, 2020 and go through September of 2021.
For more details on the entire budget plan visit,9357,7-379-88613_88626—,00.html