Category Archives: Generations

100 Questions and Answers About Generation X and 100 Questions and Answers About Millennials

Gen Z women leading exodus from churches

We keep learning more about the declining number of people in pews. This month’s news, which can’t be good for churches, is that younger women now seem to be leading the exodus. The Survey Center of American Life reports that, … Continue reading

Posted in Generation Z, Generations, Nonreligious Americans | Leave a comment

‘Geriatric Millennials’: 4 better ways to say that

Let’s face it. Generations are hard — and hard on each other. The convenient but arbitrary cutoff dates that cleave generations always leave some people on the cutting room floor. Start with the fact that the labels are usually imposed … Continue reading

Posted in Millennials | Leave a comment

Gen Xer’s advice on COVID coping

Today, Nov. 23, Newman University in Kansas begins an 8-week “timeout” from in-person classes. That’s not unusual these days. What IS unusual is that Gen Xer and professor of criminal justice Kristi Edwards is giving some of her generation’s tips … Continue reading

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Gen Z, Millennial voters powered Boomer

The youngest voters appear to have boosted the oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history into the White House. Biden will turn 78 on Nov. 20 and would become the oldest president. Next closest? Ronald Reagan, who left office at age … Continue reading

Posted in Generation X, Generation Z, Generations, Millennials | Leave a comment

COVID-19 fears hurt Millennial, Gen Z spending most

Consumer spending, key to the health of the U.S. economy, is taking a hit from worries about the coronavirus pandemic. Millennial and Gen Z are cutting their spending more than older people, although every generation is concerned, according to … Continue reading

Posted in Generations, Millennials | Leave a comment

Millennials saving more money and saving it earlier

Bank of America reports that 73% of Millennials (those aged 24-41) are saving money. This is a 10 percentage point jump from 2018. In 2018, only 47% of Millennials had $15,000 or more in savings, now it’s 59%. Twenty-four percent … Continue reading

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Millennial news will dominate our feeds

Are you ready for lots and lots of news about Millennials? It has already started and is bound to continue as this bigger-than-Gen-X cohort continues assuming a dominant role in society. In just the past 24 hours, we have seen: … Continue reading

Posted in Generation X, Generation Z, Millennials | Leave a comment

No, baby! Millennial birth rate is down and that could mean trouble

The nation’s birth rate fell by 2 percent from 2016 to 2017, according to provisional data released this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This was the third annual decline in a year and reflected the country’s … Continue reading

Posted in Generation X, Generations, Millennials | Leave a comment

Hear from the students behind Bias Busters

Our journalism class has just finished working on 100 Questions and Answers About U.S. Buddhists, which will be out this year. We are taking the series in the direction of faith groups, where we see a lack of understanding and … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethnicity, Faith, Generations, Immigrants, LGBTQ+, Police officers, Race, Veterans | Leave a comment

2018 mid-term election was female, young and Hispanic

High turnout in the mid-term election’s “Blue Wave” that flipped the U.S. House was driven in part by young and Hispanic voters, according to the Census Bureau. The 2018 turnout of 53.4 percent of eligible voters was called the highest … Continue reading

Posted in Asian American, Generations, Hispanics and Latinos | Leave a comment