Career Coach addresses bullies at work

The Washington Post’s Career Coach has a column up with advice about addressing bullies in the workplace. Writer Joyce E.A. Russell keys off the 2011 book, “The Bully-Free Workplace: Stop Jerks, Weasels, and Snakes From Killing Your Organization,” by Gary and Ruth Namie, then addresses the definition of workplace bullying and some behaviors. Russell says …

7-year-old’s suicide blamed on bullying

The Detroit Free Press reports today that a 7-year-old Detroit boy who took his own life had been bullied. The article, by a team of reporters, said, “The mother told police that her son ‘had been depressed due to her recent separation from his father; the fact that he had been bullied continuously by the …

Competition and bullying — not the same

In a Detroit News commentary, “Losses in sports help kids learn not to act like losers,” sports author John U. Bacon writes about a neighborhood event in which “competition was confused with bullying, which schools are rightly focused on eradicating. But the two could not be more different. Competition, properly taught, teaches respect, fair play …

FAMU band hazing suspension extended to 2013

The Florida A&M University marching band, suspended after the November hazing death of a drum major, Robert Champion, will remain suspended for at least one more school year. Eleven band members face felony charges in the death. Two others are charged with misdemeanors. Champion died aboard a band bus in Orlando. FAMU is in Tallahassee. …

Romney charges fuel debate on bullying

Bullying became an issue in the 2012 presidential election this week, with allegations that Mitt Romney bullied high school classmates in the 1960s. The Washington Post was first with the story, reporting allegations that Romney bullied other students. The Post led with an incident in which Romney led a group of students to hunt down …
