Do evangelical Christians support Biden or Trump? Yes.

Whether evangelical Christian voters lean left or right depends greatly on the tradition they follow. Evangelicals are not a monolith and have different practices and political beliefs.

Cover of guide: “100 Questions and Answers About American Evangelicals”

A Pew Research Center survey in April of 7,166 registered voters found diverging preferences between Black and White evangelicals.

Pew reported that 81% of White Protestants said they would vote for Trump if the election were held today. Seventy-seven percent of Black Protestants said they would vote for Biden.

About three-quarters of White evangelicals said Trump was a “great” or “good” president and 80% said they do not think his efforts to change the 2020 election broke the law. Just more than half of Black evangelicals said he was a “terrible” president and 70% said he broke the law in an effort to flip the election.

Biden got a “great” or “good” rating from 49% of Black evangelicals.

Among all Christians, those who attend church more often show stronger support for Trump.

The Michigan State University School of Journalism is completing “100 Questions and Answers About American Evangelicals: Beliefs, practices and politics collide.” It will be published in 2024 and is one in a series of more than 20 cultural competence guides available on Amazon.

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