Toledo’s virtual schools face criticism

Victoria BorodinovaSept. 8 marks the date for K-12 students at TPS to log on to their virtual classrooms, remote learning could be mandatory for as long as the entire first semester. TOLEDO — Creating an online educational option equal to an in-classroom environment is proving troublesome for Toledo Public Schools. “To say my things are upside down in my life is an understatement,” said Patricia Mazur, director of communications for TPS. “Virtual schools cannot fully resemble in-person schooling.”

Amidst the worsening COVID-19 pandemic, TPS has announced that “up to the entire first semester” will be taught 100% remotely, offering virtual “e-schooling” from grades K-12.

Parents are on board with online public education, survey says

Capital News Service
LANSING — Webcams and laptops might be replacing no. 2 pencils and spiral notebooks as the school supplies of choice in Michigan. According to a survey by online course provider Michigan Virtual University, 79 percent of Michigan adults believe online courses are a valuable tool for middle and high school students. The survey also outlined interest in the way teachers are trained for these courses, and how districts support them. Many of the state’s educators share these parents’ sense of online importance, offering a variety of online learning opportunities.

New partnership, new online focus for student teachers

Capital News Service
LANSING – The University of Detroit Mercy is partnering with the Michigan Virtual University to help UDM education students learn to teach online. Both undergraduate and graduate students can enroll this summer in Advanced Instructional Technology/Teaching in the Virtual Environment. The program, which resembles a student teaching experience, is an introductory course focused on online instruction. Students will help teach a variety of subjects to high school students in virtual classrooms through the Michigan Virtual University. They will shadow online teachers at MVU while attending lecture-style classes at UDM.