Harbor Springs Public Schools leaves virtual learning behind
Shay Elementary School and the Harbor Springs Public School District offices in Harbor Springs. Online learning is coming to an end for students and staff of Harbor Springs Public Schools.
HSPS Superintendent Michael Behrmann said in an email there will not be any virtual learning opportunities offered by any of the schools in the district for the 2021-2022 school year. The district offered online and in-person classes through the 2020-2021 school year during the brunt of the pandemic. According to a graph on the district’s website, Harbor Springs Public Schools recorded a varying amount of positive cases since September of last year with a peak of 34 positive cases in April and a significant decrease to three positive cases in May.
To some Harbor Springs parents and students, the decline in cases isn’t enough to ease their worries.
Ally Warner, who’s son Cristyan and daughter Carrigan will be heading to 10th grade and eighth grade respectively, said she has concerns. Carrigan struggles with heart and lung disease, and Dysautonomia, a group of diseases that affects the nervous system.