Trustee candidates get questioned by students

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A new board of trustees is in MSU’s near future. Students had the chance to ask candidates questions last week.

After the Larry Nassar case that has affected many Michigan State students, some were worried about what the new elected board will do to avoid mistakes made in the past at their university.

ASMSU hosted a forum for students to ask the trustee candidates questions about how they plan to make a difference if elected.

Former prosecutor, Brianna Scott, said she wants to be more involved with students day-to-day lives by being more involved with the students she will be impacting.

“You have to meet students and faulty where they are. We can always sit up somewhere and expect people to come to us, and I think if we go to the dorms go to the cafeteria waking around campus and just saying ‘hey I want to talk to you all for a minute,'” Brianna Scott said.

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