Sept. 14, 2018 – Week 2
To: CNS Editors
From: Dave Poulson and Sheila Schimpf
For technical problems, contact CNS technical manager Tony Cepak at (517) 803-6841;
For other matters, contact Dave Poulson at (517) 432-5417 or (517) 899-1640
Our new correspondents, their contact information and the CNS publications each especially serve are listed here:
SERVAUDIT: A state agency charged with protecting children often failed to check a registry of child abuse offenders in the cases reviewed by a state audit. Also, caseworkers in up to 11 percent of the cases examined failed to meet promptly with their charges, according to the Auditor General. Lawmakers are calling for improvements to the Child Protective Services agency and Gov. Rick Snyder has appointed a task force to make recommendations, including a member from Allegan County. Meanwhile, child advocates say cases of abuse are increasing. Lawmakers from White Lake and Sterling Heights are concerned. By Jeremy Wahr. FOR HOLLAND, LANSING CITY LIMITS AND ALL POINTS.
$INSCHOOLS: While state officials propose funding increases for the K-12 education budget, the impact is blunted by two large drains on the fund–pensions and higher education. Gov. Rick Snyder has proposed a diversion of the funds into higher education while current and legacy pension costs increase every year, school officials say. We hear from the Michigan Association of School Boards and Michigan League for Public Policy. By Lance Cohen. FOR ALL POINTS.
INNOVATIVEDISTRICTS: A lawmaker has introduced legislation to create school districts where students are promoted based on how well they know material instead of how much time they spend in class. We talk to a Grand Rapids-area school official, the Michigan Association of School Boards and the bill sponsor. By Nick Kipper. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS AND ALL POINTS.
COMMON&RARE: What happens when saving the few – in this case, a small number of plants or animals in a species at high risk of extinction – may harm the many – here, members of more common species? That’s a real problem as conservation experts and public land agencies wrestle with how to allocate scarce funds for habitat protection. A new study by scientists from the Nature Conservancy’s Michigan chapter and three universities says tradeoffs are necessary, based on their research of about 35 species of native migratory fish – some extremely rare, some extremely common — in the 1,833 largest tributaries of the Great Lakes. By Eric Freedman. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, MARQUETTE, BAY MILLS, CADILLAC, PETOSKEY, OCEANA, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, CRAWFORD COUNTY, ALCONA, MONTMORENCY, BENZIE, IONIA, GREENVILLE, HOLLAND, STURGIS, CLARE COUNTY, THREE RIVERS, CHEBOYGAN, SAULT STE. MARIE, BIG RAPIDS & ALL POINTS.