August 2015 Environmental Budget

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Capital News Service Budget – August 19, 2015
To: CNS Editors
From: Eric Freedman & Dave Poulson For technical problems, contact CNS tech manager Tanya Voloshina (248-943-8979)
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CNS WEBSITE: The CNS website (and other Journalism School news websites) is back and working, but please let us know if you encounter access problems. We appreciate your patience this summer.
3rd SUMMER ENVIRONMENTAL FILE: This is the last of three summer files of Michigan environmental stories in collaboration with Great Lakes Echo, the Journalism School’s environmental news service. Of course, CNS subscribing news organizations are free to continue using any of our other archived stories and visuals. Our regular weekly files will resume on Friday, Sept. 11.
ECOLOGICALDEBT: The nation hit Ecological Deficit Day, thanks in part to states like Michigan that use more resources than they can regenerate. Global Footprint Network and Earth Economics details resource availability and the environmental footprint of all 50 states. That footprint includes the unsustainable practices that broke Michigan’s ecological budget. Michigan is among the top three states for resource abundance. By Kevin Duffy. FOR ALL POINTS.
LAMPREYCONTROL: Can a combination of sex and violence help control the Great Lakes’ entrenched invasive sea lampreys that threat other fish species? We hear about the latest research from experts at MSU and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. By Kevin Duffy. FOR LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, CHEBOYGAN, PETOSKEY, CADILLAC, HOLLAND, TRAVERSE CITY, ALCONA, MARQUETTE, ST. IGNACE, SAULT STE. MARIE, MONTMORENCY, BAY MILLS & ALL POINTS.
w/LAMPREYCONTROLPHOTO: Sea lamprey from a trap site on the Cheboygan River. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
COMPANYTOWNS: A new book by an Escanaba writer chronicles the history and fate of mining, logging and quarrying company towns across the Upper Peninsula. By Eric Freedman.
w/COMPANYTOWNSCOVER: Cover of “Company Towns of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula” by Christian Holmes. Credit: History Press.
BOATWASH: A grant from the Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Forest Service is paying for an MSU project to combat the state’s worst aquatic invaders, such as Eurasian watermilifoil with mobile lakeside education and free boat washes. The “Clean, Drain, Dry” initiative is underway this summer in 32 inland lakes. By Kevin Duffy. FOR ALL POINTS.

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