October 28, 2016 CNS Budget

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Oct. 28, 2016
To: CNS Editors
From: David Poulson and Sheila Schimpf
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For other issues contact David Poulson, poulsondavid@gmail.com. (517) 899-1640.
Here is your file:
ENDORSEMENTS: Unlicensed motorcyclists face higher fines next year in an attempt by state officials to keep more of them alive. As many as 40 percent of riders killed don’t have license endorsements indicating that they’ve taken skills and safety tests. The endorsement is required for riding on public roads, but many riders fail to get it as they do not need it to register their motorcycle. Among the people we talk to are the Alcona County undersheriff and a State Police officer at the Houghton post. Sponsors are from Marquette and Grand Ledge By Alexander Smith. FOR ALCONA, CRAWFORD COUNTY, MARQUETTE, LANSING AND ALL POINTS.

TELEPSYCHIATRY: A lack of psychiatric counselors, particularly in rural areas, and an increase in mental illness has created the need for health care that transcends county and city lines. Mental health therapy  through video conferences is one answer, some health officials say. But some experts are concerned that it can be adequately regulated. By Ray Wilbur. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, CADILLAC, CRAWFORD COUNTY AND ALL POINTS

COSTAVOIDANCE: More Michiganders have health insurance, but people still skip doctor visits and blame it on cost. The percentage  who say they haven’t been to the doctor in the past 12 months because of the cost has dropped slightly since 2011, according to state officials. By Karen Hopper Usher. FOR GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, LANSING AND ALL POINTS

PLATES: State lawmakers are considering yet another specialty license plate, this one to benefit the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. But critics say the state has plenty of  plates. Other legislation would limit to 10 the number of fundraising plates the state has at any one time. We speak with Evart sponsor of the Sleeping Bear legislation and Levering. sponsor of a bill to recognize winter sports with a license plate. Vulcan and Midland lawmakers have other ideas. By Bridget Bush. FOR LEELANAU, LUDINGTON, MANISTEE, TRAVERSE CITY, PETOSKEY, PETOSKEY,   CRAWFORD COUNTY, MARQUETTE, CHEBOYGAN, HARBOR SPRINGS AND ALL POINTS
SPEEDLIMIT: Motorists could travel up to 75 mph on some stretches of the state’s rural highways under bills in the Senate. And on gravel county roads, the speed limit would be brought down from 55 mph to 45 mph in counties with at least 1 million residents (Oakland and Wayne). We talk to the  State Police, in support of the 75 mph limit, and the County Road Association of Michigan, in support of the reduced limit on gravel roads, an Oxford lawmaker who introduced one bill and opponent Michigan AAA.. By Caitlyn DeLuca. FOR ALL POINTS.

LEADTRAINING: Federal funds triggered by Flint’s water crisis can be used to remove lead from old homes statewide, but a shortage of contractors certified to do the work is an obstacle to getting the job done. A desperate need for lead abatement contractors has prompted state officials to divert some federal funds to cover training and licensing of lead removal specialists, a shift that could benefit owners of contaminated homes statewide.By Alexander Smith. FOR LANSING, GRAND RAPIDS AND ALL POINTS.

WINESCLIMATE. Climate change, with its warmer temperatures and more frost-free days, is enabling Michigan grape growers to diversify their varietals, a new study shows. We talk to a researcher and winemakers in Benton Harbor and Paw Paw. Michigan ranks fifth in the U.S. for acreage and is among the top 10 wine producers in the country. By Natasha Blakely. FOR STURGIS, THREE RIVERS, GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS, TRAVERSE CITY, LEELANAU, PETOSKEY, LANSING CITY PULSE AND ALL POINTS.
        w/WINESCLIMATEPHOTO1: Michigan grapes. Image: Steven Schultze.
w/WINESCLIMATEPHOTO2: The Michigan wine industry has grown since the 1970s, according to Michigan State University. Photo: RaeAllen (flickr)

PLASTICPOLLUTION: A Michigan river had the greatest concentration of microplastic pollution in a new study of Great Lakes tributaries. The study found three new categories of plastic pollution beyond the beads in consumer products like bath wash previously discovered. By Kate Habrel. FOR ALL POINTS
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO1: Sampling Lake Michigan surface water near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Image: Peter Lenake
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO2: A map of Baldwin’s sampling sites. Image: Austin Baldwin
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO3: Researcher Ben Siebers on towing vessel. Image: Austin Baldwin
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO4: Peter Lenaker measures current velocity on the Menominee River. Image: Molly Breitmun
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO5: Paul Reneau, left, and Peter Lenaker taking water samples on Lake Michigan. Image: David Housner
w/PLASTICPOLLUTIONPHOTO6: Researchers at a sampling site for the Baldwin study. Image: Austin Baldwin

EATINGINSECTS: Michiganders raised on meat and potatoes may soon notice a new high-protein food on their plates — if they can be convinced to eat bugs. North America’s first conference on eating insects was held in Detroit where one company seeks to have the state’s first urban insect farm. Similar efforts are expanding in the Great Lakes region. By Carin Tunney. FOR ALL POINTS.
W/EATINGINSECTSPHOTO1: Wayne State University anthropologist Julie Lesnick
W/EATINGINSECTSPHOTO2:  Crunchy Critter Farms in Akron, Ohio will offer online sales of live crickets starting in November. Image: James Williams

GOODSTUFFFROMINVASIVES: Researchers are searching for environmental benefits from invasive plants such as phragmites and sawgrass for biofuel, fertilizer biofuel and other purposes. A project in the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge is harvesting and shredding invasive cattails to use as farm fertilizer. A Lake Superior State University professor uses invasive biomass to make fuel pellets for pellet stoves. By Sam Corden. FOR SAULT STE. MARIE, MARQUETTE, BAY MILLS, GLADWIN, ALCONA, GREENVILLE AND ALL POINTS.
w/GOODSTUFFFROMINVASIVESPHOTO1: Scientists [left to right] Drew Monks, Brendan Carson and Eric Dunston use a special harvester to collect cattails in the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: Sam Corden
        w/GOODSTUFFFROMINVASIVESPHOTO2: Scientists are experimenting with new uses for invasive cattails in the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: Sam Corden
w/GOODSTUFFFROMINVASIVESPHOTO3: A river winds through the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge. Image: Sam Corden
w/GOODSTUFFFROMINVASIVESPHOTO4: Researchers are turning invasive cattails into fertilizer for local farms. Image: Sam Corden

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