Statistics on bullying inform, guide action

People need bullying facts and statistics to create effective anti-bullying programs.

Knowing the facts behind bullying and current bullying statistics are essential to accurately and knowledgeably discussing the subject and informing others. Relevant bullying facts can motivate others to join and create effective anti-bullying programs.

Bullying statistics build understanding and inform actions.

The issue could use more research. Although fresh bullying facts are hard to come by, and bullying statistics tell just part of the story, we have pulled together some of the most relevant bullying information to help you.

Cyberbullying facts and statistics, which were not tracked until recently, are essential to the bullying story.

This site provides bullying facts and statistics, as well as the stories that help describe new types of bullying that have emerged since the turn of the 21st century. These are links to bullying statistics:

*Statistics for Online Bullying

*What happens when bullies grow up

* Pew research study into cyberbullying

* U.S. Dept. of Education Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies, 2011

* Bullying in Schools: An Overview, U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

*Statistics and accounts of Workplace Bullying
