Tiny House Impacts The Environment

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The idea of one MSU student led to a campus wide movement. Her small design could have a huge impact on the environment.

“I’ve been keeping track on the movement so I got really excited when I heard MSU’S planning on doing something like this,” says team member Rohit Manning.

MSU interior design senior Tiffany Pupa says, “I thought it was really interesting.”

This interest sparked a campus wide movement.

“We have 200 students involved,” says Pupa.

Involved in what you ask, the construction of a tiny home.

Pupa the leading force behind the project says, “we’re using this tiny home as a way to promote minimalism.”

“It’s about valuing experiences over accumulating things,” says MSU’s Associate Director of Planning and Design Patricia Crawford.

For these students a decease leads to an environmental increase.

“ When you live in a smaller space you use a whole lot less and so you live sustainably,” says Manning.

The home is estimated to be less than 300 square feet.

Pupa says, “About 4 people can do yoga if they pack in closely.”

This forces tiny home owners to think of, ““How you’re disposing of your waste and how you’re storing your food and what do you really need to survive, says Pupa.

The plans for the home were donated by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.

Pupa says, “we didn’t want to have students designing this one because we’re not architects and someone is actually going to live and use this home.”

Students are working to have the project completed by Earth day, April 22.

What complete the homes official name, “ Sparty’s Cabin” will feature environmental friendly products.

“We’re using cellulose isolation as apposed to using a foam or toxic material, says Pupa.

MSU’s Forestry and Shadows Club supplied the team with sustainable tree products.

“Their doing our counter tops our shelves and our ladder. Those are all tress are from MSU’s campus that other wise wouldn’t have been put to use”, says Pupa.

Sparty’s Cabin already has a busy schedule.

Pupa says,“ Once we’re finished we’re going to take it into the community and we’re going to educate the community on sustainable living.”

The home will then be auction off.

“we’ll keep some of the funding as a seed for projects for the students and donate the rest to charity,” says Pupa

The team will be looking for charities that are related to sustainability and reducing homelessness.

The 27 thousand dollars needed to build the home were funded by multiple MSU organizations and outside venders.

Once Sparty’s Cabin is complete it will be featured at different events such as sparticipation, the arts and crafts fair and the garden show.


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