Mar. 22, 2002 CNS Budget

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Messages to the Editors

IN-DEPTHERS FOR YOUR READERS: The CNS staff has gone above and beyond with in-depth stories on a variety of topics, including school vouchers, a nursing shortage, restaurant thefts and trash being shipped in from Canada. These, plus a selection of regular weekly stories, are available for your perusal.

Articles for week of Friday, March 22, 2002


  • SCHOOLVOUCHERS — If school vouchers are out of the picture, the idea of indirect funding for nonpublic education may get an extra push from tuition tax credit advocates. By Maureen O’Hara. FOR MIDLAND, EAST LANSING & ALL POINTS.

  • CANADATRASH — Legislators are looking at ways to regulate the shipping and disposal of trash from Canada. Import of trash is expected to continue growing when Toronto closes a major dump next year. By Catherine Byrne. For HILLSDALE, C&G & ALL POINTS.

  • NURSINGSHORTAGE — Michigan hospitals are trying to cope with a shortage of nurses, and legislation is being considered to encourage more young people to consider nursing as a career. One idea is to offer scholarships with a requirement that students begin their careers in Michigan. The pros and cons are discussed by people with health-care interests. FOR LAPEER, HOLLAND & ALL POINTS.

  • RESTAURANTTHEFT — Customers — and employees — who help themselves to silverware, coffee cups and maybe even a stool or table are adding to the cost of doing business as a restaurateur, according to a survey. By Chris Yagelo. FOR UPPER PENINSULA & ALL POINTS.

  • CHILDRENSAGENDA — Advocates for children are urging lawmakers to make families a top budget priority. By Tracey Glazener. FOR ALL POINTS.


  • CHILDPORN — The FBI’s recent “Operation Candyman” sting highlights the need for a child pornography bill. By Chris Yagelo. FOR ALL POINTS.

  • WINERIES — Michigan’s image as a premier wine region will be enhanced by marketing efforts of the state’s wineries. The campaign is expected to pay dividends in both sales and tourism. By Elizabeth Daneff. FOR LEELANAU, TRAVERSE CITY, HOLLAND, SOUTH BEND, THREE RIVERS & STURGIS.

  • AGRITERRORISM — The state Department of Agriculture is stepping up efforts to make sure food supplies are safe from tampering by terrorists. Procedures include coordination of efforts and standard procedures among various departments. By Wanda Reese. FOR LANSING, UPPER PENINSULA & ALL POINTS.
  • INTERESTFREELOANS — Farmers facing economic woes from weather-related crop losses are getting help in the form of interest-free loans. By Catherine Byrne. FOR LAPEER, MIDLAND, SOUTH BEND & ALL POINTS.
  • MIFAMILY — Advocates for children say that the state must comply with current health standards before it goes ahead with the governor’s plan to extend health coverage to more than 200,000 uninsured residents. By Tracey Glazener. FOR MACOMB, ROMEO, MICHIGAN CITIZEN & C&G.
  • UNEMPLOYMENT — New legislation offers tax credits for unemployed people who have children in college. It will provide temporary relief while the idled worker is looking for a new job, the bill’s chief sponsor says. By Maureen O’Hara. FOR ALL POINTS.

  • BROADBANDLAW — Gov. Engler says new laws will speed up construction of new broadband transmission lines and equipment. Not only will this speed up Internet access around the state, it will provide new jobs. By Audrey L. Barney. FOR GRAND RAPIDS, TRAVERSE CITY, HOLLAND, UPPER PENINSULA & ALL POINTS.

  • BROADBANDQ&A — Here are Q&A answers to some common questions about broadband. By Audrey L. Barney. FOR GRAND RAPIDS, TRAVERSE CITY, HOLLAND, UPPER PENINSULA & ALL POINTS.
  • STATEFAIR — Feelings run deep over a proposal to move the State Fair out of Detroit to a less urban area. By Allison Miriani. FOR ROMEO, MACOMB, C&G & MICHIGAN CITIZEN.

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